Two German warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait in mid-September, as reported by German media last Saturday.

This action would mark the first passage of German warships through the strait in 22 years, a move that experts say will be interpreted by the China as a show of strength and a sign of alignment with the policies of the Asia-Pacific of the USA.

To magazine The mirror was the first to report the plan, citing unspecified sources who indicate that Germany will not formally notify Beijing about the crossing. This reflects Berlin’s position that the trip is a normal operation. THE German Ministry of Defensehowever, refused to comment on these reports, according to information from Reuters.

The strategy behind this move includes Germany’s desire to increase its involvement in the Pacific region as well as strengthen ties with the USA ea I’LL TAKE. This decision comes at a time when the US seeks to contain Chinese economic and military influence, while also ensuring more robust support for European security.

This possible transit comes after similar actions by other nations. In November 2023, US and Canadian warships also sailed through the Taiwan Strait, carrying the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command to organize a state of maximum alert, with naval and aviation forces monitoring and following the ships along their route.

Chinese experts interpret the planned transit of German ships as an attempt to demonstrate power and a hostile attitude, which is likely to negatively affect relations between Beijing and Berlin.

In response to questions about this maneuver, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson reiterated on August 20 that the Taiwan issue is China’s internal matter and expressed opposition to what it sees as a threat to territorial sovereignty and security. national territory under the pretext of freedom of navigation.

With information from the Global Times


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