At the beginning of May, Myriam Bregman presented from the Chamber of Deputies a “request for access to public information” addressed to the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. There she inquired about the actions of the federal forces in various mass mobilizations and asked in particular about how many millions were spent on the operations deployed on March 24 and May 1.

In her request for access to information (a right that every person has by law, to request the information generated, administered or in possession of public authorities, which in turn have the legal obligation to respond) the lawyer and reference of the Front de Izquierda also asked if overtime and/or additional hours were paid for the agents of these four forces under their charge (National Gendarmerie, Naval Prefecture, Airport Security Police and Argentine Federal Police); She inquired about the quantity, origin and cost of the ammunition, rubber bullets, gases, irritant aerosols and other weapons used in the operations, as well as the quantity and type of vehicles used and the cost of their mobilization. The president of the Center of Professionals for Human Rights (Ce.Pro.DH) also asked about the expense of the fences, the equipment of the troops, the duration of each operation deployed in the face of these massive demonstrations, both those called in rejection of the Law of Bases such as those that were given by the aforementioned holidays of March 24 and May 1where a disproportionate deployment was also seen despite it not being a working day or with greater traffic than usual (quite the opposite), which are the arguments frequently used by the State apparatus to justify the repression of the right to protest. .

The response from the portfolio led by Patricia Bullrich came a month and a half later, a few days after the brutal repression of June 12, where there were 33 detainees and more than 200 injured and hospitalized due to the actions of these forces, under orders of the Minister and the City Government. It also arrives within the framework of Bullrich’s trip to El Salvador, to meet with President Nayib Bukele and “get up close and personal with the zero tolerance regime implemented” by his government, according to Manuel Adorni at a press conference. And it also comes in the context of new attacks against the FITU leader, perpetrated by vice president Victoria Villarruel.

In his text, which we reproduce below, Patricia Bullrich and the Ministry of Security maintain that the deployment of federal forces responds “to projections and planning adjusted to specific regulations” and They deny reporting any other data since its publicity – they argue – “could seriously compromise” the prevention and response capacity of the agents in their charge.. Continuing with the Government’s attempt to advance the criminalization of protest under the narrative of “terrorism”, They also claim that providing this information could put “public safety” at risk..

Strikingly, although the official maintains that this information cannot be made public, the presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni said in one of his usual press conferences, last Tuesday (one day after the Minister of Security’s response to Bregman), that within the framework of the treatment of the Bases law in the Senate, on June 12, the The cost of the security operation was more than 130 million pesos, which they also announced that they intend to offload on several of the organizations calling for this mobilization.

That is to say, on the one hand, the government says that it is an “ethical” issue not to report how much is invested in the mega-operations carried out under the orders of Bullrich to criminalize the protest, and on the other hand it is quick to want to collect those expenses. to the organizations that are mobilizing against the adjustment of President Javier Milei and his plans for the country.

Although it is clear that for the Minister of Security, public demonstrations are the reason for intelligence and criminal policy tasks, and that is why she maintains that responding to the request of Bregman and the PTS/FITU benches would affect the “further processing of that information” – since in his opinion “potentially” could mean “the execution of actions”, “threats” or “serious risks” for the development of the “essential functions” of the repressive forces – the truth is that, as Bregman stated “This is a shameful response for not providing information that should be public, that is, information that is required to be provided by the law on access to public information.” The ultimate objective is in sight: to deepen impunity so that, from the State itself, causes are created to criminalize social protest.

MSG Responds to AAIP Request… by Sol Download


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