The SUTNA meeting was held after hundreds of telegrams of indefinite suspensions were sent to workers of the multinational Bridgestone and while attacks on FATE are increasing, with the attempt to dismiss hundreds of workers. Both employers’ associations opened preventive crisis procedures, when they have been amassing fabulous profits.

The meeting brought together both workers attacked by these private employers, as well as state workers who support the direct adjustment of the government of Javier Miley. A was defined united mobilization to Plaza de Mayo, next Friday 26th, against layoffs and labor reform.

Also workers of the Posadas Hospital and Health, announced that in addition to being part of this mobilization, they are organizing a White March led by layoffs from hospitals and other sectors for the day August 1st.

On the other hand, there was a commitment to go and talk to other sectors that, although they did not participate in the meeting, are also willing to mobilize and confront the cuts and layoffs, so that they join the calls. And in turn, to spread the word in all unions and workplaces, and places of study, neighborhood assemblies, etc.

Workers from different sectors participated in the meeting, with the intention of coordinate the struggles against layoffs and the brutal government cuts.

Delegates from the FATE, Bridgestone and Pirelli factories were present, as well as from the union branches. There was a large delegation of FATE workers who had been laid off in a previous round, who spoke to reaffirm their decision to continue the fight for their reinstatement.

Also colleagues of the Haedo Railway Unionwith the Chicken Soup and delegates of the Sarmiento line. Leaders of combative groups of the Subwaywith members of the union leadership.

Health workers organized in the CYCPEin particular delegates and leaders dismissed from the Posadas Hospital. Who proposed to unite the struggles and promote the unitary call for both mobilizations.

Workers too Aeronautics from the internal commission and dismissed from GPS-Argentine Airlines. Referents of Internal Boards of the Ministry of Labor and other public agencies. As well as those dismissed from Memory Centers (DD HH). Teachers nucleated in the SUTEBA, Tigre branch and others. The ceramic leader and member of the Classist Grouping Movement, Raul Godoy. Also participating were the deputy Nicholas del Caño (PTS) and the deputy Vanina Biasi (PO), among other left-wing leaders.

Meeting at SUTNA
Meeting at SUTNA

Some interventions

  • Alejandro Crespogeneral secretary of the tire union, claims that neither Fate nor Bridgestone have financial problems.

  • Laura Bogadoa worker at Posadas Hospital and member of the Cicop Board of Directors for the minority in the Hospital.
  • Posadas Hospital workers call for the unity of the sectors in struggle.


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