With the presence of almost 20 young students from secondary schools, the University and workers, who met at the House of Culture and Socialist Politics La Patagonia Rebelde, the workshop “Capitalism vs. Socialism”, organized by the groups En Clave Roja and Pan y Rosas.

The workshop consists of three meetings and combines introductory elements of revolutionary Marxism. In this first meeting, the starting point was to put the different readings on capitalism in tension. On the one hand, there are those who believe that it is the best of the possible systems, such as the right of Milei grouped in La Libertad Avanza that will become the new government, on the other, those who say they criticize it with resignation and suggest some reforms. to make it “less unequal”, “less unfair”, like many of the so-called “post-neoliberal governments” in Latin America, which in Argentina represented Kirchnerism. On the opposite side, there are those who maintain that capitalism is not reformable and, from an anti-capitalist and socialist perspective, they propose that the fight is to end capitalism based on exploitation and oppression, to generate an overcoming one, socialism. This last vision is what the workshop organizers are trying to develop.

To reach this conclusion, which will be the nodal discussion of the last meeting, it is necessary to understand how capitalism works and build arguments to substantiate the need to put an end to it. Along these lines, some of the axes around which the first meeting was developed were: the origin of exploitation, a historical journey through the development of productive forces, the creation of surplus and the formation of social classes. Together they contributed to the resolution of questions from the workshop and one of the participants forcefully stated that “under capitalism they steal our work and our time”, which will be a definition to be developed in the next meeting.

The second meeting will be on Friday, December 15 at 7:30 p.m. and there will be copies of Ediciones IPS to learn about some introductory texts on Marxism. You can attend without having participated in the first one since at the beginning of the workshop there will be a sharing of the contents already covered.

Another workshop based on the history of Zanon, workers’ management of the region, based on the documentary “The Red Thread” also began in the city of Fiske Menuko. With the participation of young people from the region, the objective is to learn about Zanon’s experience as an example of the response of the working class in times of economic crisis, a true contribution to thinking about the times to come. Two weeks after the visit to the factory together with Raúl Godoy, the objective is to highlight the coordination, the unity between different sectors of workers and the contributions of Trotskyism to this enormous labor feat. It will continue next Wednesday, December 13 and 20, and to participate, messages are received on the EnClaveROJA group’s Instagram.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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