The sugar conflict deepens. After the court declared conciliation mandatory and Osvaldo Jaldo came out as an intermediary to resolve the conflict. Nothing could stop the strike. The sector’s business chamber remains at an offer of 90% in May and 24% only in September, below the 165% required by FOTIA.

The strike is strongly felt in almost all of the mills in the province with the exception of Los Balkanes of the Rocchia Ferro Group. Contrary to the measure, the FEIA signed the last agreement late last night proposed by the CART (Tucumán Regional Sugar Center). In order to intimidate the employers, they stationed police infantry at the gates of the mills, such as Concepción, to avoid any active demonstration, as was seen last year; Even so, there were workers’ concentrations at the door of the Leales and Bella Vista mills this morning.

The mandatory conciliation issued for 15 days failed to stop the strike. As the Secretary General of the FOTIA, Roberto Palina, has to recognize, the salary agreement that should have been closed in April-May and remains open due to employer intransigence cannot continue to be stretched.

Below, in the mills there is a demand “don’t get off.” The FOTIA had been delaying the definition of the strike and speculating behind Jaldo’s intervention, which ultimately achieved nothing. Cornered by the bosses’ intransigence on one side and the workers’ anger, the FOTIA called for a strike. It is necessary to move forward in setting up assembly instances for Ingenio and to resolve the basic measures to follow so that it does not remain an isolated strike.

Do I support the workers’ claim?

The leadership of the FOTIA and the FEIA met with Jaldo and announced that the governor agrees with the workers’ demand. In a pedantic manner, the governor came out to say that he would allow the workers to stop on Saturday because it is a fair demand. The stone face, Jaldo is aligned with Milei’s chainsaw that comes from directly playing with the hunger of the people and is preparing to vote on a project to loot the working class and retirees. It is an impossible balance that the now-Mileista governor wants to strike.

In his search for votes for the approval of the Base Law, the governor uses a catchphrase, “he will favor Tucumán”, he forgets to say that he will favor only the Luque, Rocchia Ferro and Lucci of the province. The labor reform inscribed in the Law that the government wants to approve seeks to further deteriorate working conditions, increasing precariousness and giving carte blanche for anti-union persecution to advance even further. For example, in the context of last year’s strike, the gates of the mills were blocked; if the Base Law is approved, that will become a reason for direct dismissal. They want us slaves, and they want us silent.

Organize for a fight plan resolved in Assemblies

From the Movement of Classist Groups (MAC), present in sugar, we propose another solution. Hold assemblies in all the mills to discuss the steps to follow in the face of the tremendous provocation from the businessmen and the government. Organization from below, strikes and a forceful fight plan are the way to achieve our demands. Due to the increase in salaries, but also the transfer of Lemase staff and working conditions. It is very important to stop and take to the streets with the entire working class on the day the Bases Law is discussed in the Senate. They want to impose a labor reform on us that will further worsen the situation of precariousness and occupational risks. Both are the same fight.


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