The US presidential race has taken a new turn with Joe Biden’s withdrawal, positioning Vice President Kamala Harris as his likely successor in the Democratic nomination.

In light of this, Republican candidate Donald Trump is adjusting his strategy to focus attacks on Harris, highlighting issues of immigration and the economy.

Internally, the Trump campaign plans to portray Harris as the person most responsible for Biden’s policies that they say have angered voters.

Specifically, Trump will tie Harris to Biden’s immigration policy, which Republicans have blamed for the surge in illegal immigrants crossing the southern border.

Economically, the Trump campaign argues that the policies associated with Biden and Harris have resulted in rising food and fuel prices, as well as runaway inflation, hurting housing affordability.

In the political sphere, Biden’s sudden departure has left the Democratic Party uncertain, with the leadership still weighing its next steps. Harris, who has a mix of black and Asian-American heritage, presents a significant cultural and generational contrast to Trump.

She is also seen as a candidate who could generate more enthusiasm among young people and minority voters, segments that showed apathy during Biden’s campaign.

The Trump campaign has already begun replacing planned ads against Biden with new ones focused on Harris, criticizing her for failing to distance herself from Biden’s policies.

The ads accuse her of hiding Biden’s shortcomings and of being the real figure behind problems like rampant immigration and inflation.

This new direction in Trump’s campaign suggests an intense electoral battle, with strategies adapted to changes in the political landscape, while Democrats assess Harris’ viability as a candidate in front of the American electorate.

With information from Reuters


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