The governor of Chubut had to face his first demonstration in the city of Esquel, called by the environmental assembly No to the mine, which informed Torres that it rejects the approval of the law bases, the RIGI and his signature to the May pact.

The voices of rejection of the policies of plundering and extractivism promoted by the national government and supported by the governor of Chubut broke through the windows of the Tehuelche Hotel and forced it to receive a delegation from the assembly, a pioneer in confronting extractivism since it prevented the installation of the Meridian Gold mega-mining project in the city in 2003.

It is clear that the tradition of fighting in defense of water and land in Chubut, and its long tradition, are a political heritage, which despite not being active in the streets today, is a heritage that is in the working population, in the youth and in the women who led the Chubutaguazo two years ago, that popular and working class rebellion that defeated the mining zoning promoted by the Peronist governor Arcioni.

Thus, the former “rebel” governor had to listen to environmentalists clearly state their rejection of his support for the basic law, the RIGI and his recent signature on the May pact. And that the people of Chubut, just as they confronted mega-mining, will confront these extractive projects at the service of multinationals and the IMF.

The governor responded to this question by stating that “he agrees with fracking, green hydrogen and wind energy, and that for now Law 5001, which prohibits mega-mining, is not under discussion because there is no social consensus.” He made it clear that it is not a problem of being against, but that there is a balance of forces imposed on the streets of the entire province in the 7 days that shook Chubut in December 2021 that he does not want to unleash again. It was also clear that he agrees with carrying out extractivism and the plundering of natural common goods, just as his space is promoted by the PRO, La Libertad Avanza, the UCR and also Peronism.

To confront this offensive where Milei’s friends, such as Torres, want to vote for the adhesion to the RIGI in the provincial legislatures, as happened on July 13 in Río Negro, we must develop a challenge together. It is necessary to promote a great provincial meeting that unites the environmental assemblies, the indigenous peoples, the unions, the student centers and the left to discuss and organize a great campaign throughout the province to prevent the legislature from adhering to this colonial pact..

They will want to vote for the RIGI in every province and every municipality to give guarantees to the big millionaires who come to do their business and leave us with pollution. We can unite all the environmental assemblies, unions and student organizations to prevent it from being approved and show Milei and Torres that environmentalists are not a minority. It already happened to Arcioni when he said that “500 noisy people were not going to twist his arm” and he had the rebellion of December 2021 as a response. Because we are the populations that need nature and common goods and that is why we are going to defend our territories.

We invite you to join the first Environmental Red Alert meeting promoted by the PTS Youth in Esquel


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