French historian warns: NATO could disintegrate if Ukraine loses the war – Find out why the future of Europe is at stake

NATO will “disintegrate” if Ukraine loses the war against Russia, according to French historian and public intellectual Emmanuel Todd. Speaking to the Italian newspaper Courier of Bologna This week, Todd asserted that “if Russia is defeated in Ukraine, European submission to the Americans will last a century,” but if the U.S.-backed Ukrainian effort fails, “NATO will disintegrate and Europe will break free.”

The comments were made during a tour to promote the Italian edition of Todd’s book, The Defeat of the Westin which he attributes the decline of the West to the increasing secularization of Anglo-Saxon society and argues that European powers are becoming increasingly dependent on the United States. In Todd’s view, the war in Ukraine is just a reflection of this broader malaise. In the interview with Courier of Bolognahe stated that “the Ukrainian army is in retreat, and it is a fact that it faces difficulties in recruiting soldiers,” adding that “Western economic sanctions have caused more damage to the European economy than to the Russian one.”

Having declared early last year that a third world war had already begun, Todd told the Italian newspaper that the outcome of the war in Ukraine “will decide the fate of Europe”. He argued that Vladimir Putin “will have neither the means nor the desire to expand once the borders of pre-communist Russia are reconstituted,” and that the West “fantasizes about the desire for Russian expansion in Europe,” which for him “it is simply ridiculous for a serious historian”. He added: “The psychological shock that awaits Europeans will be the realization that NATO exists not to protect us, but to control us.”

Todd also stated in the interview that the American high command encouraged the escalation of the war in Ukraine with the aim of deepening the “separation between Russia and Germany”. According to the French historian, “forcing the Russians to enter the war to prevent the de facto integration of Ukraine into NATO was, initially, a great diplomatic success for Washington”. However, he believes that Germany and Russia will eventually repair their relations, and “American control over Europe will be pulverized.”

More than two decades ago, Todd wrote After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Orderin which he argued that US economic, diplomatic and military hegemony was already in decline. In The Defeat of the Westpublished in French earlier this year, the historian suggests that “as its power declines globally, the American system ends up increasingly burdening its protectorates, as they remain the last bases of its power.” Referring to the war in Ukraine, he stated in the new interview that “we Westerners provoked this war and lost it, and with this defeat we also lost our control over the world.”

When questioned by Courier of Bologna whether he would prefer to live in Russia rather than Western Europe, Todd responded: “The liberal oligarchy is not a practical problem for me […] Basically, I’m just a dissenting member of the intellectual oligarchy.” Although he said he would remain in France “as long as the regime is not fascist or racist,” he said he would not move to the U.S. as the country is “descending into something worse than liberal oligarchy.” This something worse, according to Todd, is “nihilism”.

With information from UnHerd*


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