“We never return to the closet,” they said in the massive assembly. The different interventions spoke against the attack on LGTBI people but different proposals were also heard with force to win the streets before the advertisements of the repeal government of the conquered laws and the already attacked integral sex education.

Without workers there is no health or memory

The resistance to this Government is also incarnate by the workers of the memory sites that are currently taking a festival at the former Cevallos detention clandestine center in front of the dismissals, as are the workers of the Bonaparte hospital who are present here that They also fight against dismissals.

Because as they said in the hug in the hospital last Monday and I make that flag of their own: without workers there is no health or memory.

“Left -handed we are going to look for them to the last corner,” this type of message that distils hatred also has to be repudiated, and says them because we were the ones who were standing in each fight, in the inns, in the Bonaparte, With retirees and retired, against layoffs in the state, in Shell Dok Sud, etc.

To strengthen this fight we need to unify the different sectors, to reject the speeches of those who even from the opposition continue to assign that the problem is the too progressive agendas, or who with their passivity turned their backs on the struggles that we gave many of whom we are here from the First moment that Milei assumed. And that begins because all opposition parties and their representatives give their faces publicly rejecting these hate speeches.

All actions to respond to the attacks of this government are fundamental and have already begun: there you have to be, put the body, invite our acquaintances. This February 1 we will win the streets throughout the country.

That is why this reply spirit, the anger, the repudiation and rejection has to be active, and I believe that it also has to be part of starting to build a huge March 8, massive, that cope the Buenos Aires center and all the squares of the country, with the workers in front, with the activism in front.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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