1) The Milei government is at its worst. After a short “summer” at the end of the year, the discomfort and the row Against the government is expressed in the streets with greater intensity than last year. Not only the repudiation of their homophobic sayings in Davos He catalyzed the generalized discontent and a crowd flooded the streets and cities throughout the country. Political discredit by to the crypto of the mercy It was an irreversible lunge to its credibility, demonstrating to everyone that It is a scammer.

The repression of retireesthe most vulnerable sector of workers, generated on March 12 a massive response of football fans. Precarized young people, mostly, expressed their anger and hate against this hunger and repressive government. The alevosĂ­a of repression with the balance of Pablo Grillo death wounded, the knocking Beatriz Blanco81 -year -old “duck”, the repressive appliance of the State deployed in the city center, with the “bullrich watches you” on the screen at the stations, practically a state of siege for last Wednesday, He did not make resistance to the streets backward.

On the contrary, the great will to fight their plans and the questioning of repression, hurried by the “runs” of the markets, dry the repression and put the desperate politics of the government to naked. The surveys measure the fall in the president’s image every week. According to Research pulse32.6 % claim to be willing to march against them.

The Government achieved a very tight triumph in deputies to have their hands free to blindly sign the authorization so that mercy advance in A new colonial pact with the IMFwhich will result in an even greater adjustment on the standard of living of the masses, It is time to redouble the bet in the fight in the streets: this March 24, below the Milei chainsaw plan and outside the IMF! No to repression and repressive protocol of Bullrich!

2) At the caste of the mercy. But the government is not alone, since last year we witness how the political caste saves the potatoes. Macristas, radicals, Civic coalition And Peronism lent him his votes to take his main laws, ratify the presidential vetoes and leave, with frauds, bribes and negotiated in between, Dnus like 70/23 by a vote!

When the valijero appeared Edgardo Kueider With $ 200,000 on the Paraguayan border, they did not echo the claim of the left to declare it void. This includes senators and deputies of UXP that they are also betting on government wear on the work of the working people, and then reaping votes for the elections or a “front”, as proposed Juan Graboiswith “opponents” as Lilita CarriĂł which even called to support the unconstitutional decree according to the IMF.

Kicillof himself reaches the point of applying discounts to teaching wages fighting to recover their lean salaries. This of course includes the funesto role of the union bureaucracy, which are sleeping the nap, letting mercy And the employers fire tens of thousands of workers, iron salaries and retirement and repress the protest.

Now that the CGT perceives the danger under its feet of the masses in the streets, calls a unemployment to decompress and seeks to divert it to the elections. We have to take it in our hands to be a message to mercy y Bullrich and the caste that banks it. The deputies of Left and Workers Front (FIT) They are the only ones who have not voted a single measure to mercydenounce the frames, pose a perspective for resistance to the streets. This is another of the reasons to march with the Memory Memory and Justice (EMVJ) .

3) Do not lower flags. There is another very important reason. We cannot fail to report the disappearances of Jorge Julio LĂłpez, Santiago Maldonado And all the crimes committed by the State, govern who governs, such as Carlos Fuentealba, Mariano Ferreyra, Rafael Nahuel, Facundo Castro, Luis in spinna, Fernando GĂłmez o Ivo Torres.

We can’t stop fighting the historical balance of genocidewhich includes the crimes of the Triple A during the governments of PerĂłn, Isabel y LĂłpez Rega and the role of all business entities in the genocidal coup. Nor can we cease the claim for The opening of the files that even the Kirchner governments refused to perform, while promoting a genocidal as CĂ©sar Milani as head of the Army. Or the current defense of democratic freedoms that includes a repudiation of the governors who, in accordance with Patricia Bullrichwere necessary participants in the murders of GĂłmez in Salta and Torres In Jujuy.

It is necessary to unmask the enemies that the working people have today, to avoid defeat in the streets of Milei, and that together with the great concentrated bourgeoisie seek to divert all workers and popular struggles to electoral support for Peronism. No to the unscrew of the Secretariat of Human Rights, opening of the State Archives, clarification of all crimes against humanity under the military dictatorship and constitutional governments!

4) The unity of those who fight. This year again the Emvj proposed “A place and two documents”. That is, to unite in the same place, with all its might, the opposition to the government. At the same time, we proposed to respect the points of differences that Kirchnerism and union bureaucracy, faithful to its custom, wants to silence. They prefer to divide strength.

They intend to prohibit the voice of those who do not shut up the repression of any government or the complicity of the opposition of the majority parties to the current one.

They even intended to approve an agreement so that there are two “corralitos” for the “leaders” as Axel Kicillofmayors like Fernando Espinoza and union bureaucrats like HĂ©ctor Daer. Actually, they want to show a subordinate square to the Peronist opposition, very intentionally in bringing the fight in the streets to the electoral field.

A place that fights without human rights bonds in Argentina is raised, today very threatened by the government of mercy y Bullrich. We have to bet to be a new step in the construction of resistance.

5) From the PTS in it FITwith Myriam Bregman and Nico del Caño, from Christian Castillo and Alejandro Vilca, we have been fighting in the front row, both inside the Parliament and in the streetswith retirees, health workers, such as Hospital Bonaparte They keep fighting today. In general, in the different work and study places we propose to organize those who want to seriously face this government and their accomplices.

We want to build A great independent party of the employers that pugne to weigh the strength of mobilization and the fight in the streets, which as we begin to see once again is the way to defeat the adjustment and repressive plan of mercy and to the regime. We summon you to march with the PTS In an independent column to strengthen this alternative, and prevent the force that begins to show from below ends up being defeated or diverted.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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