We present this dossier which tells, through the articles that we have been publishing over the years, how from the same day of the attack on the AMIA mutual fund he Argentine State (which includes all its institutions: Executive, Judicial and Legislative powers, intelligence services, Federal Police, etc.), maintained impunity around his intervention – necessary to carry out an attack of this nature – and his subsequent concealment.
One day before the anniversary, Javier Miley attended the meeting held by the World Jewish Congress -a Zionist organization created in 1936, which claims to defend the “Jews in the world”, but which in reality is dedicated to lobbying in defense of the State of Israel-. There he again raised the responsibility of Iran in the intellectual authorship of the attack and of Hezbollah as material authors, without any conclusive evidence over these 30 years. This stance is in line with its claim that its foreign policy is based on “Western values”in the United States and Israel.
Will “Western values” be the same ones that lead the imperialisms of Europe and the United States to a leap in their militarism, to lead the Ukrainian side in the reactionary war with Russia, via the I’LL TAKEOr will it be the defense of “the West”, that of the Israeli State, which has been going on for nine months? a “live” genocide against the Palestinian people of Gaza?
On the other hand, the friend of the corrupt and genocidal Benjamin Netanyahuof Donald Trumpof Jair Bolsonaroirresponsibly insists on involve the country in a high-voltage geopolitical conflict of the Middle East. His comments about moving the Argentine embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem are provocative, just as the Uruguayan president did at that meeting of the Jewish Congress. Luis Lacalle Pou.
From the International Network The Left Dailyas the block of deputies of the Left Fronttogether with the relatives of victims of the atrocious attack, as is the case of Aphemiawe fight for one independent commission of inquiry -made up of family members and human rights organizations- and the unrestricted opening of all files which have not yet been declassified and are in the possession of the Federal Police and intelligence services, the only way to reach the truth.
This July 18th is the anniversary of the ominous attackwhen at 9.53 am they blew up the headquarters of the Jewish mutual. Governments go beyond the trial for individual responsibilities – AMIA Case II – Impunity reigns for the Argentine State.

Last April the Federal Court of Criminal Appeals issued a ruling on the cover-up of the AMIA attack. It is a textbook case of how to create a fake news. While the meaning of the ruling was acknowledge the cover-up but at the same time reduce sentences In most cases, the “news” was that the Argentine Judiciary had proven that Iran and Hezbollah were the intellectual and material perpetrators of the attacks against the Embassy of Israel (1992) and the AMIA (1994). It passes itself off as “justice” the reinforcement of the impunity of the Argentine State in the perpetration and cover-up of the attacks.

The Association for the Clarification of the Unpunished AMIA Massacre issued a statement after learning of the Court of Cassation’s ruling. Read it in full.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) pointed to the State as responsible for building impunity over the case of the attack on the AMIA.

The government of Macri In 2019, it made official a decree that allows the inclusion of the Lebanese Islamic movement and political party Hezbollah among the alleged “extremist organizations”expanding the current list of organizations designated by the UN Security Council.

The leader of the Association for the Clarification of the Unpunished AMIA Massacre (Apemia) always denounced the cover-up by all governments since 1994 and demanded the opening of secret files so that the truth could be known.

The spy infiltrated the Jewish community Jose “Iosi” Perez and the commissioner Jorge “Fino” Palacios They are two emblems of the nefarious role that the Argentine Federal Police In the case of the attack on the AMIAThe first, by providing ultra-sensitive information that could only be obtained by being immersed in the depths of that community. The second, by fabricating evidence, collecting bribes and even “losing” fundamental recordings of the judicial case.

The series directed by Daniel Burman y Sebastian Borensztein was seen in more than 240 countries. In addition to very good performances, it has the merit of showing the specific weight that state institutions – such as intelligence services – had in the attacks on the Embassy of Israel Yet the AMIA in Argentina and then in hiding. Something that the non-fiction book on which it is based, Miriam Lewin y Horacio Lutzkydeepens and extends, recounting State impunity.

In 2019, a new trial was held for the cover-up of the attack. The former judge John Joseph Gaelano The former head of SIDE was sentenced to six years in prison Hugo Anzorreguy to four years and six months. The prosecutors also received sentences Eamon Gabriel Mullen y Jose Carlos Barbacciathe businessman Carlos Alberto Telleldin, Ana Maria Boragni, Juan Carlos Anchezar y Carlos Castaneda. But the former Peronist president, the former head of the DAILY Reuben Ezra King, Patricio Miguel Finnen, Victor Alexander Stinfale y Jorge “Fino” Palacios were acquitted.

On January 18, 2015, the lifeless body of the former AMIA prosecutor was found. For years, the right-wing opposition, which would become the government the following year, took him as its banner. Despite what was ruled in the first instance, his murder has not been proven and already in 2021 it seemed that for that opposition then called Cambiemos, it was no longer useful as a campaign.

In 2020, in one of the buildings of the Federal Intelligence Agencythey found documents from the AMIAThe families of the victims have always demanded that they be opened in order to convict the guilty. And other victims, those of the 1976 coup, also demand that the dictatorship’s archives be opened.

In 2020, the former Iranian cultural attaché in Argentina accused USA e Israel for inducing the former prosecutor in the case to accuse Iran. He opined that he was killed or induced to commit suicide for “having empty hands.”

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com