34 years have passed since one of the most brutal crimes starring the Buenos Aires Police after his active participation in the genocide perpetrated by the civic-military-ecclesiastical dictatorship. This is the kidnapping, murder and disappearance of the 32-year-old worker Andres Nunezperpetrated in the early morning of September 28, 1990 by a gang of the former Investigation Brigade (hoy DDI) of The Silvercapital of the province.
The story of Núñezhis disappearance and death and the tireless fight for truth and justice of his companion Mirna Gómez They are told in detail in one of the chapters of the book Disappear in democracy of Adriana Meyer (Marea Editorial2019) that The Daily Left share here with his readers. And far from being a case from the “past”, it is a crime at the hands of the State that still valid because there is still impunity.
This newspaper has been reporting in recent years how the provincial State itself, through its Executive and Judicial powers, did little and nothing to put an end to that impunity. Although some of the culprits were convicted, last year there was an attempt to free the former police officer Jorge Alfredo Gonzálezconvicted in 2010 after being on the run for almost twenty years. The fight of Mirnaaccompanied by solidarity organizations and activists, stopped that measure. However, in May of this year the execution judge Laura Lazaga He once again authorized “temporary departures” for the murderer.
In April 2017 another trial was madewhere the only accused was the former commissioner Luis Raul Poncewho had been 22 years on the run and was found by chance in Patagonia in 2012. In the debate, his responsibility and co-authorship in the planning and execution of the kidnapping of Nuñez and deadly torture to force a declaration of an alleged robbery. Also of the rest of the stages of the crime, which include the concealment of the body and the falsification of the book of the Investigation Brigade. They sentenced him to perpetual confinement.
For its part, only in May of this year did Room II of the Chamber of Appeals and Criminal Guarantee of La Plata he put a date on new trial What will be done against the ex-police officers? Cesar Carrizo y Carlos Veigaaccused of “failure to prevent torture” and “falsification of a public document” for the first and “illegal search” and “repeated illegal deprivation of liberty” for the second. The debate will take place at end of November 2026almost four decades after the events.
Next to Carrizo y Vega His former colleagues also had to be tried Ernesto Zavala, Oscar Silva y Pedro Costillabut the last two they died unpunished and the first probably also although the Judiciary has not yet confirmed his death. The family of Núñez He hopes that at least the two still alive arrive at trial in these conditions.
And another that must be judged is Pablo Martín Gerez Duhaldewho commanded the operation on the night of September 27, 1990 and “obtained” the camp General Belgrano (a little more than 100 kilometers from La Plata) where the remains of Núñez (found five years later after the confession of one of the police officers).
Gerez Duhalde He has been underground for 33 years. He is the son of Nelly Duhalde de Gerezfirst cousin of the former governor, former head of the “damned Police” and former president Eduardo Duhalde. The night he kidnapped, killed and disappeared Núñez It was his 29th birthday. This Friday he turned 63. He is alive and probably leading a quiet existence, under another name, somewhere in Argentina. Maybe you have started a family, have children and even grandchildren. What is certain is that He communicates regularly with his family and his lawyer.
The “uncle” Eduardo he doesn’t know where he is Gerez? You don’t know either July Winethe mayor of La Plata and former minister of Cristina Kirchner y Axel Kicillof who knew how to be an iron ally of Duhalde during his previous periods as communal chief? Why does the Peronism that governed 30 of the last 34 years never did anything to find the Gerez Duhalde?
In the video that accompanies this note Mirna Gómez He remembers his companion and also the fight that continues for truth and justice. The audiovisual record belongs to the group of friends and family of Andrés Núñezwhich next Sunday, October 6, will perform a day of tribute to the worker and to denounce the executioners and their accomplices. It will be on the corner of 118 y 78 from the neighborhood of Villa Elvirawhere they both lived in 1990.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com