During the morning of this Friday, the rumors continue strongly that the ruling party would be very close to reaching an agreement with the PRO, the UCR and We Make the Federal Coalition to vote in the National Congress on the Omnibus Law sent by the Executive Branch, with some modifications.
It is worth remembering that the Omnibus Law, together with the “Caputazo” and the DNU, constitute the trident of a shock attack that the new Government has launched on the popular majorities, with the objective of implementing a strong offensive and structural reforms in favor of concentrated sectors of economic power.
Its first results are visible: inflation that was 25.5% in December and poverty that reaches unprecedented levels. But they go for more.
For this plan, the national government found a privileged interlocutor in the National Congress in the “collaborators” of the aforementioned blocks who, by negotiating or moderating a part of the articles, lend their favors so that the reactionary law is approved. At the same time, they leave the DNU in force. Let us remember that the National Congress has the power to reverse the decree if it rejects it in both chambers. But there is no political will to do so.
As the Left Front denounced throughout the week, the details are not yet known. This is because while long sessions with a large number of speakers discussed in the committees of the National Congress, the real thread took place elsewhere behind the people’s backs, in the Savoy Hotel and in offices on the premises. The destinies of the vast majority are decided in dark rooms.
The collaborationist sectors will want to present that they managed to moderate Milei’s plan. But it’s a trap. Not only do they want to leave standing the DNU, but also a huge part of the articles of the Omnibus Law that will harm workers, retirees, culture, health and education. They engage in demagoguery, saying that “they want to defend retirees,” but in the best of cases, with their proposals, pensions will continue at the miserable amounts that are paid today and are not even enough to make it to the middle of the month.
In addition, negotiations would be underway for Milei to have “delegated powers”, although more limited. That is, giving monarchial powers to a far-right who also already has new brutal rates in gas, electricity, transportation and a new devaluation that will trigger inflation even more, among other measures that he could take.
Some sectors will want to use this negotiation to demobilize. On the other hand, important leaders of Peronism such as Cristina Kirchner or Sergio Massa remain silent with the strategy that “we have to wait.” Meanwhile, working people become poorer.
But what is imposed is quite the opposite. Reinforce with everything the preparation of the national strike with mobilization on January 24, despite the limits placed on it by the union bureaucracy, and prepare to mobilize massively the day they want to discuss this reactionary law in the National Congress.
The left demands that the National Congress reject this reactionary law, reverse the DNU and Bullrich’s repressive protocol. But we can expect nothing from this parliament: we must take the national strike and the mobilization when the vote is voted into our hands, organizing from below in all workplaces and neighborhoods to mobilize those days and to put in place a plan of struggle with continuity in the perspective of the general strike to defeat Milei’s entire war plan.
All week we denounce the secret meetings in hotels to discuss the Omnibus Law. What was discussed yesterday, outside of the commission meetings, does not consider what dozens of organizations came to present these days. It only considers the calculations of the negotiators
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) January 19, 2024
Partial cuts to an illegal law do not improve it, they try to make it presentable so that those who want to collaborate with attacks against the people can show that they “achieved something.” The Omnibus Law, the DNU and any adjustment plan must be rejected outright, with the fight.
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) January 19, 2024
In relation to retirements, not only is what the update formula will be in question, but also what will happen to the FGS and what retirees lost during these last years and that led to these retirements of misery.
Will we soon know what they negotiated?— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) January 19, 2024
According to everything it indicates, among other points, the collaborationist opposition is going to allow the Milei to deliver the Sustainability Guarantee Fund. A scandalous theft from retirees
— Christian Castillo (@chipicastillo) January 19, 2024
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com