This Tuesday, the image of workers walking along the train tracks to avoid paying the ticket could be seen at several train stations, after the increase in the rate which has already entered into force for the Coastal Train, the Mitre Line, the Sarmiento, the General Roca train, the San Martín line, Belgrano Sur, Belgrano Norte and General Urquiza.
Faced with the unaffordable fare hikes of Milei’s government, more and more workers are managing to avoid paying the ticket. Their only way of being able to go to work. pic.twitter.com/QaQjMgzZ4n
— The Left Daily (@izquierdadiario) September 17, 2024
Despite the risk involved in walking through these areas, mainly due to the electrification of the roads, the salary is not enough, anger is growing, and ways to pay less are becoming apparent.
He The minimum ticket price has now been $280 for those who have a registered SUBE card, while it will be double ($560) for those who have not done this procedure. People who do not have this system and pay their fare in cash will pay up to $900. With this 40% increase The railway tariff schedule has already accumulated a 478% increase.
These increases are combined with those suffered by bus tickets in the AMBA, which jumped 37.5% in mid-August, which implies a hard blow to the pockets of workers.
Also Prices of tickets for extended jurisdiction trains have increasedthat is, those that reach cities that do not belong to the AMBA (Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area). This is the case of the Belgrano Sur Line (González Catán-Navarro), General Roca Line (Cañuelas-Lobos, Cañuelas-Monte and Alejandro Korn-Chascomús), Mitre Line (Victoria-Capilla del Señor and Villa Ballester-Zárate) and Sarmiento Line (Lobos-Mercedes).
How are the rates?
AMBA lines
• Section 1 (0-12km): $280.
• Section 2 (12-24km): $360.
• Section 3 (more than 24km): $450.
• Cash rate: $900.
Extended jurisdictions
• Belgrano Sur Line (González Catán – Navarro section): between $224 and $1120.
• General Roca Line (Cañuelas – Lobos, Cañuelas – Monte and Alejandro Korn – Chascomús): between $224 and $1120.
• Mitre Line (Victoria – Capilla del Señor and Villa Ballester – Zárate): between $224 and $808.
• Sarmiento Line (Merlo – Lobos or Merlo – Mercedes): between $224 and $808.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com