In a context where La Libertad Avanza deepens its support for the genocide perpetrators, after the visit by its deputies to those convicted of crimes against humanity, described by Minister Bullrich as a “construction of freedom”, the political and cultural house of the PTS-FITU in Bariloche woke up with graffiti claiming one of the greatest perpetrators of the genocide of the last civil-military dictatorship. The repudiations of the event and expressions of solidarity were not long in coming, unions such as ATE, UNTER, ADUNC and APDH sent their support, as well as political parties La Cámpora, Frente Grande, Patria Grande and left-wing parties strongly repudiated the event. So did personalities such as Roberto Gargarella, lawyer, jurist, sociologist, writer and Argentine academic specializing in human rights, democracy, political philosophy and constitutional law.

Part of the context in which the attack took place is the announcement of a massive increase in the budget of 100 billion pesos for the State Intelligence Secretariat (SIDE). There is less budget for health and education, but there is money to repress and spy on organizations.

The attack is consistent with an offensive policy of the national government against the left, and against the fighters who speak out against the austerity and repression. This offensive by Milei and Bullrich is manifested in the anti-protest protocol, with the brutal repression in Buenos Aires when the Ley Bases was approved, as well as with the detainees in that same demonstration. Their austerity plan, tailored to the IMF and imperialism, does not go without repression.

In addition to the ominous inscription on the façade of the space, they modified the phrase that said “If capitalism destroys the planet, let us destroy capitalism.” With the plundering pact that the RIGI represents, to which the legislature of Río Negro was the first to adhere, we maintain the call for the organization of communities and environmentalism to defend natural common goods from depredation in order to pay the debt with the IMF and the Castello plan.

From their X (Twitter) accounts, national representatives of the PTS expressed themselves about the attack

In repudiation and solidarity, more than a hundred social and political organizations and artists’ groups expressed their repudiation and solidarity:

Danzamemoria furilofche –
Multisectoral against repression –
Union for human rights –
Bariloche Zonal Hospital –
Relatives of detainees and missing persons –
Jesus Escobar, Free of the South Neuquén –
Gabriela Herczeg, UNCo teacher
Ruben Marigo APDH Bariloche Regional –
Andrés Blanco, deputy PTS-FITU Neuquén –
Myriam Bregman, national representative PTS-FITU MC –
Nicolas del Caño, national deputy PTS-FITU –
Alejandro Vilca, national deputy PTS-FITU –
Christian Castillo, national deputy PTS-FITU –
Carolina Michel ATE CONICET –
Mara Granada, ATE CONICET –
Body of Delegates ATE CONICET Bariloche –
Silvia Ibarruela, teacher at Unter Bolsón –
Furilofche Teaching Unit Front –
ATE Bariloche –
Mariana da Silva Évora Not one less Furilofche Bariloche – Space for Feminist Economy Comahue –
Nazarena Pargade – Not One Less Furilofche –
Not one less Furilofche –
Unter – Adunc – P. May. CTA – C. Jub. West Star Federal –
Evita Movement –
Bariloche Workers’ Policy –
Asamblea Ni Unx Menos Furilofche –
Sovereign Bariloche –
Big Front –
Furilofche Popular High School –
Caretakers of the Common House –
Patria Grande Front –
Anarchy –
The Campora –
Zapalina Feminist Assembly –
ATEN Zapala School Counselor District III –
Renovating Front –
MST and the FITU –
New MAS Rio Negro –
Fuentealba Río Negro Teaching Association –
Jorge Casella, teacher from Zapala –
Elba Creche, teacher from Zapala –
Third –
Macacha House –
Popular BACCALAUREATE Furilofche –
Disobedient Assembly –
Black Group –
Collective I do believe you –
Rosario neighborhood assembly –
Assembly Records in Struggle –
Had –
Assembly united against layoffs –
National Teaching Current April 9 –
Parental Assembly –
Mutual Association Feeling –
Socialist Left –
Artists in Network –
AMSAFE Rosario Teachers –
Marabunta –
Cristian Joubert, ATEN Trade Union Delegate –
We can be better Civil Association –
Lorena Riffo, secretary general of ADUNC Fiske Menuko / Marabunta –
Assembly of women and dissidents of Junín de los Andes Neuquén –
Rebel Dignity Rio Negro –
Assembly of Writers of Mendoza –
Ombudsman for the Worker –
San Cristobal Assembly –
People’s Assembly of Montserrat –
Senior Lecturer. Dr. Joaquin V. Gonzalez –
Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH) Northwest of Chubut –
Assembly of poets –
Nora Knight –
Graciela Zaldua –
Alfredo Sbriller –
Juliet Iglesias –
Vir González –
Maria Gabriela Lopez –
Diego Mardones –
Maria de las Mercedes Fernandez –
Gustavo R. Varela –
Antú Barría, independent –
Nicholas Huenchul


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