At the beginning of the conference, Eduardo Beliboni, leader of the Polo Obrero, denounced the maneuvers that have been taking place by the Government to continue the attack against social organizations. He did so in response to accusations that they had not paid for the resources they received.
He noted that “the State received and approved the different sections of the projects. If there had not been approval, it would not have been possible to advance the construction of a headquarters in Neuquén, nor of another in La Matanza. The surrender system is in sections.” Furthermore, he denounced that “the media lies that say that we did not perform. “What we have here we are going to take to Casanello at the door of the court.”
Beliboni also denounced that “Now they invent that we defraud the State. They carried out 27 raids and couldn’t find anything. “The discourse of Justice changes to the extent that they do not find evidence.”
For its part, Lawyer Liliana Alaniz pointed out that “this is the biggest farce that is taking place in Courts today. They want to destroy the deepest foundations of the organization of the working class. We can demonstrate all the expenses that the Polo Obrero association has. “Everything is done.” Furthermore, he denounced that “there are witnesses whose identity is reserved who receive messages that say ‘if you don’t testify against the Polo Obrero, don’t come.’ “This is an armed cause of political persecution that wants to criminalize and demonize the piquetero movement.”
From Social equalitya colleague reported that “We want surrender and to know where the money for oncological remedies is.”, of the thousands of tons they should have delivered since they took office. Let Milei explain. This is an adjustment government like those that have already passed. “We are going to continue in the fight.”
Present at the conference, Carlos “Swede” Lordkipanidse, from the Cachito Fukman Militant Meeting, pointed out that as “human rights organizations we come to offer our experience. “They have our full support.”
From the MTR April 12, the MST Teresa Viva and Libres del Sur They were also present to denounce the attack and persecution against social organizations. In addition, they called for mobilization when the Bases Law is discussed in the Senate.
Alejandro Vilca, national deputy of PTS-FITU was present at the conference, accompanying the denunciation of the attack that has been deployed by the Government and the Judiciary against these organizations.
⭕ #NOW | Press conference of social movements.
While the government saves 5 million kilos of food that should be sent to soup kitchens, it persecutes and criminalizes popular organizations.
National deputies from the Left Front participate. pic.twitter.com/4Dhgzc5wXJ— Left Front Unity (@Fte_Izquierda) May 28, 2024
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com