During this Thursday, the national scandal unleashed by Senator Edgardo Kueider continued to grow, who was detained in Paraguay with undeclared $210,000, without being able to explain its origin so far. It is worth noting that this is a legislator who entered as a candidate on the lists of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner in 2019 and who during this year was essential in approving laws for Milei, such as the Bases Law.
This situation only increased the suspicions that already existed regarding bribes, perks and dark negotiations for the approval of fundamental norms with which the La Libertad Avanza government wants to redesign the country in favor of the great economic power.
In this framework, important figures on the left have doubled down on the complaint, pointing out that for these reasons the Base Law must be null and void.
In the Chamber of Deputies, Christian Castillo pointed out that “these laws are the offspring of a corrupt act and that is why we are going to denounce them in court. These laws are the offspring of buying votes in exchange for positions and that is why we are going to denounce them. They are flawed. of nullity”.
For her part, Myriam Bregman recalled on television that Javier Milei himself had already spoken of “valijeros” and had put the axis in which there had been “bribes, bribery, handouts.”
Myriam Bregman recalled when even Milei himself acknowledged that in Congress “there are suitcases.” There is no better description of Kueider. They are the suitcases that made them approve the Bases Law.
It must be canceled NOW. pic.twitter.com/9WHODC2ppB— 🔴 ᴠɪʀɢɪɴɪᴀ ɢᴏ 🔴 (@mavirginiagomez) December 5, 2024
The PTS leader in the Left Front also joked that “poor Patricia, she spends so much time looking for terrorists that smugglers escape right under her nose.” He also explained that “The Bases Law brings together all the elements to be declared null. It was imposed with brutal repression so that the social opposition it generated did not manifest itself. Evidence of vote buying is growing. It harms working people. With indignation, no reaches, those who really repudiate Kueider must meet and annul it.
The Base Law brings together all the elements to be declared null. It was imposed with brutal repression so that the social opposition it generated did not manifest itself. Evidence of vote buying is growing. It harms working people. Indignation is not enough, the…
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) December 5, 2024
At the same time, Nicolás del Caño had also denounced in the National Congress that “the Congress looks like a gondola”, where they negotiate, sell, agree, everyone works for Milei, and ironically said that it seems that “Kueider will have taken the bribes out for a ride that they gave him for voting on the Bases Law”
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com