The Government confronts all the judicial fronts that accumulate in its path and tries to bail out water in the midst of an offensive by the right and the extreme right in the courts. The attempt to surround Pedro Sánchez’s direct relatives has had a new milestone this week: the indictment of the president’s brother after learning of a UCO report that rules out the enrichment that was reported.
“It is a matter that has suspicious similarities with another,” said the Executive spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, during the press conference after the Council of Ministers and in reference to the case that keeps Begoña Gómez charged. “You see who the complainants are and they are the same: Make Yourself Heard, Clean Hands…far-right organizations.”
Alegría has also warned about the “same way of proceeding.” “They are complaints based on false information. This person’s cardinal sin turned out to be an increase in assets of 1.4 million euros, but there must have been some calculation error, because it is only 68,000 euros,” he explained.
During the press questions, the minister has also been questioned about the work carried out by the person in charge of advising and caring for the president’s partner, a figure that she recalled has been in force since the presidency of Felipe González. “All the couples of the presidents of the Government have had a person who collaborated in the tasks of organization, management and logistics. Always. It is a position located in the presidential secretariat. The only difference is that for the first time we know the person’s name. But it has always happened, always,” defended the spokesperson.
Pilar Algería has avoided commenting on whether in this case the person designated for these functions has also participated in activities related to the scope of Begoña Gómez’s professional career, such as helping her obtain sponsorships for her master’s degree. “I insist, it is a figure that has always existed with the same assignment of tasks. Here there are no senior officials or opacity of any kind,” he said.
The spokesperson has also come forward to address the accusations of businessman Víctor de Aldama, alleged ringleader of the ‘Koldo case’, regarding the payment of black money in envelopes to senior leaders of the Socialist Party. “It’s as if I said that I have seen some of you steal without providing evidence. This seems like the world is upside down: the innocent is condemned to always defend his innocence and he who lies can act with absolute impunity. Whoever has the evidence should provide it. In a court or in the Civil Guard. When you accuse, the minimum is that you provide evidence because, if not, we render the innocent defenseless.”
Alegría has also defended the role of the State Attorney General’s Office, also surrounded in the courts for the alleged revelation of private information about the partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, investigated for two tax crimes. “We know information that is a lie, that comes from Ayuso’s chief of staff, that is published by various media and that says that there is an agreement with the Treasury. What does the Prosecutor’s Office do? Dismantle that hoax. From there, all respect for judicial decisions,” said the minister.
Source: www.eldiario.es