This Monday Fernando Sotodirector of Regulations and Judicial Liaison of the Ministry of National Security, celebrated online X which he considers excellent news. Minutes before the lawyer had received the ruling from the Hall II from National Chamber of Cassation in Criminal and Correctional Matters of the Federal Capitalaccording to which the trial carried out in 2021 against one of its most renowned clients is annulled.
The defendant in question is Luis Chocobarthe cash of the Buenos Aires Police that on the morning of December 8, 2017, he murdered from behind Pablo Kukoc in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Mouth. After the 18-year-old young man, in the company of a minor, violently assaulted a foreign tourist, Chocobar (who was not in uniform or performing duties) ran him several blocks until he he finished him off with a shot in the back. To coc He ran unarmed and died minutes later.

After the crime and the opening of a criminal case against him, Chocobar was received with honors at the Casa Rosada. The then president Mauricio Macri and his Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich Not only did they highlight his “heroism” but they came to found a doctrine with his surname. Police doctrine based on shoot and then ask What’s up. A trigger-happy institutionalizationwhich never stopped growing and which can make a new jump if they prosper some bills what Bullrich just sent to Congress.
The strong political and media pressure from intense manodurist sectors, combined with the family’s scarcity of economic resources To cocresulted in a relatively beneficial trial for Chocobar. So much so that, on May 28, 2021, the Oral Juvenile Court 2 of the City of Buenos Aires term sentencing him only to two years of “suspended” prison for “homicide aggravated by the use of a firearm committed in excess of the performance of a duty.”
Despite the lobby led by Bullrich and its slope Sotothe judges Fernando Pisano, Jorge Apollo y Adolfo Calvete they could not help but condemn Chocobar, although with an almost symbolic penalty. In the grounds of his sentence, the TOM 2 He stated that the final shot that caused the death of To cocwho in his escape It was not “dangerous to anyone”. Chocobar He had failed to comply with “national and international regulations” on the use of weapons, which was more serious as he was a police officer.
Three years later, with Bullrich once again sitting in the ministerial chair of a government that lifts all the criminalizing clichés of poverty while applying an adjustment plan that causes poverty to continue growing, new winds blow from the Judiciarygiving a little fresh air to the stinking official nostrils.
In their ruling this Monday, the judges of the Hall II from Cassation Chamber Horacio Days, Eugenio Sarrabayrouse y Daniel Morinthey decided to revoke that 2021 sentence.
Justice tailored to Bullrich and Milei: To support the Chocobar Doctrine Cassation has just annulled the already insufficient sentence against the trigger-happy police officer pic.twitter.com/p5wHZU7THu
— Carla Lacorte (@Lacorte_Carla) May 6, 2024
This same noon the doctor Soto spoke on the official channel LN+. With the ruling still before him, the civil servant lawyer said that he was surprised by the Cassation resolution. “It was not within the possibilities we were considering,” he told María Laura Santillán. He based his surprise on the fact that, supposedly, the court in question is usually “very harsh” with police officers who commit crimes against civilians.
Soto highlighted that the ruling questions that “a lot of evidence” that the defense of Chocobar had requested that they appear at trial were not taken into account. And he also highlighted that, for the judges of Chamber II, the sentence in that trial “is arbitrary.” In this context, it is worth saying that the Chamber also decided to remove the Oral Juvenile Court from the case, so the new trial must be carried out by another court.
The staunch defense of the Government to murderous police officers as Chocobar is so embarrassing that, in the same conversation between Soto and the journalists of LN+the lawyer was questioned not only because of his political and institutional commitment to a trigger-happy murderer but because of the same incompatibility of the bald official being, in some way, on both sides of the counter.
Soto He responded to part of those questions with a definition that paints it in full: “They attacked Chocobar because there is discrimination with the police”. And he added that “That ‘easy trigger’ is a phrase of prejudice and discredit for police officers in general (…) no, they are saving our lives”. Far from basing his statement on statistical data (which precisely say the opposite, since impunity reigns in the majority of trigger-happy cases), the defender of uniformed criminals bases his diatribes on his belonging to the family. repressive.
It is enough to remember that, in addition to Chocobaramong the clients of Soto can also be mentioned Gonzalo Cane y Francisco Pintos. The first joined the cabinet of Bullrich between 2015 and 2019 and had a prominent participation in the cover-up of the troops of Gendarmerie that, in the context of brutal repression of the Mapuche community in Chubutcaused the disappearance and death of Santiago Maldonado. The second is one of the “albatrosses” of Prefecture that, in the framework of a brutal repression of the Mapuche community of Black rivercaused the death of Rafael Nahuelfact for which He was sentenced along with his comrades in arms.
It is to be expected that the complaint from the family of To coc appeal the Cassation ruling, with which the case could end in Supreme Court of Justice. As the sentence that weighed on Chocobar It was “suspended” and only two years later, the murderer received this “good news” in freedom. Bullrich and Soto are probably preparing a new visit by the criminal from the Buenos Aires Police to the Casa Rosada and, who can tell you, some promotion or honorary appointment in the Ministry.
To whom surely Bullrich, Soto and his troupe of apologists for crime at the hands of the State do not want to listen to Ivonne Kukoc, the mother of the murdered young man. In February 2018 The Daily Left He went to his humble house in the neighborhood of Mouth. There the woman not only recounted how she found out about the death of Pablo. He also denied the official arguments that sought to save the police officer. And he gave a brief biography of his son, one of the thousands and thousands of “neither” young people who have populated the AMBA for decades.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com