In the session which takes place this Wednesday, November 27 in Deputies, Nicolás del Caño intervened to raise a matter of privilege. “I want to raise a motion of privilege against the National Executive Branch and the authorities of the Ministry of Health for a very serious issue that is the attack on public health and particularly in the national hospitals. We have been accompanying all the mobilizations of health personnel, we did it last week, with the Garrahan workers and the nursing staff. And I want to say that the deployment of security forces was terrible.”
We also accompany the struggle of the workers of the Inns against dismissals, Laura Bonapartewho managed to avoid closure, and Mental Health Center No. 1 “Dr. Hugo Rosarios” of the City of Buenos Aires against the closure as well,” he added.
It is worth remembering that in addition Del Caño, along with the rest of his colleagues on the bench, has presented several projects in favor of the struggle of the workers of all the hospitals mentioned and also requests for reports to the Chief of Staff and Minister of Health Lugones to provide explanations about the state of the hospitals that depend on the Nation and he has not obtained any response.
“This Government allocates more money to the security forces, to the SIDE and to financing large speculators than to public health and national hospitals. What it is doing on this issue is a shame,” he concluded.