Since this Tuesday morning, self-convened teachers they cut the ruta 12 at the height of the Brook Bridge Group in Missions demanding a salary increase, within the framework of a protest by various state sectors that has been going on for several days against the governor’s provincial adjustment, Hugo Passalacqua.
In Misiones, teachers are blocking Route 12 at the Garupá stream bridge, in defense of public education and fighting for their salaries. These images are repeated today throughout the province. pic.twitter.com/Dd1mpXdPAw
— La Izquierda Diario (@izquierdadiario) May 21, 2024
On the Garupa bridge, a teacher from Misiones passes me her pay slip. It is a frontier school, with 13 years of experience and works full time, 8 hours of work. The school is in Iguazu where millions are raised from international tourism. pic.twitter.com/QsQxxryZai
— Federico Puy (@fedepuy) May 21, 2024
We must remember that last Monday, the Government provincial came out to announce an agreement but it was not such. A sector of the unions: UDMP and Sidepp (CTERA-CTA) accepted the government’s miserable proposal of 34%, while the CGT unions did not. For this reason, this Tuesday, May 21 and Wednesday, May 22, 48 hours of paro.
It is worth remembering that Passalacqua was chosen by hand Sergio Massa for him Renovator Front and it is today the one who administers the adjustment and transfers the national cuts to the pockets of the workers and the missionary people.
Meanwhile, the big businessmen in the area (such as the forestry-paper industry, the production of yerba mate, tea, tobacco and citrus fruits) fill their pockets. With their lobby to get a cut, they get the support of deputies and senators who were elected by the list of Union for the Homeland and today they are part of the dialogue block with mercy and negotiate the Bases Law.
From the opposite side, the teaching of Misiones shows the way. The teachers started their fight in February by collecting poverty salaries of 250 thousand pesos. They fight, with strikes, roadblocks and camps over the budget for cafeterias and infrastructure, for the transfer of cooks and janitors to the plant, the improvement of IPS social work and against the restriction of the right to strike.
That is why massive and popular support was generated for this fight that shows the resistance to the adjustment of the government, businessmen and the IMF, with uninterrupted strikes, assemblies, roadblocks and seeking unity.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com