The Freitas government has been implementing an offensive to privatize and subcontract large state public companies that provide essential services such as the Metro, the Paulista Metropolitan Train Company (CPTM) and the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo (Sabesp), in addition to other sectors such as waterways, roads, Lotteries and Education.
At this moment, workers resist and fight against these attacks, with an agenda of mobilizations and strikes. On October 3, they held a unified day of strike by Metro, CPTM and BESP workers, which saw an important expression of majority support from the population.
In response, on October 24, Tarcísio de Freitas and the Metro company (a mixed company, with state and private capital) advanced on the metro workers, who are on the front line of the mobilization, with persecution and political-union dismissals. of 8 workers and 1 suspension, including the vice president of the Unión Metro workers and other union leaders. A clear attack and retaliation against the union movement, the workers’ right to strike and the vanguard that fights against the deterioration and increase in the cost of public services and against the precariousness of work.
The fight against privatization and subcontracting is national and involves the transportation, sanitation sectors and numerous companies such as Petrobras and Correos. The workers of the state companies of San Pablo are today at the forefront of this fight and it is of interest to the entire population. That is why the Metro layoffs are an attack on the entire union movement in the country.
The Metro Workers Union is carrying out a broad democratic campaign, including an international campaign, calling on all unions, parties, intellectuals, jurists, deputies, human rights movements that defend workers’ rights in Brazil and internationally to demand the immediate reinstatement of dismissed workers and the cancellation of sanctions.
Fighting is not a crime! Down with the layoffs in the San Pablo Metro, without punishment! Reinstatement now!
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com