The eight absences of La Libertad Avanza in the session that was going to discuss the “Ficha Cleana” project promoted by the PRO unleashed Macri’s fury and left his relationship with the Government in crisis. The deliberate boycott and the obvious negotiations that the ruling party maintains with Kirchnerism, recognized even by deputy Germán Martínez (head of the Unión por la Patria bloc), set off alarms in the former president’s entourage.
“Today, in the Clean Record session in the Chamber of Deputies, disturbing and profound questions remained floating for the future of Argentina,” Macri wrote on his social networks and noted: “Are we really interested in the fact that the corrupt convicts cannot continue holding public office Or do we want to simulate and use that weakness as an instrument of pressure in other negotiations?“
Today, in the “Ficha Clean” session in the Chamber of Deputies, disturbing and profound questions remained floating for the future of Argentina: Do we or do we not want a country without corruption? Are we really interested in the fact that convicted corrupt people cannot continue practicing…
— Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) November 28, 2024
During these hours more and more voices assure that Milei and Kirchnerism negotiate an agreement of mutual convenience. The Government intends to have the endorsement of Unión por la Patria for the appointment of judges Ariel Lijo and Manuel García Mansilla to the Supreme Court of Justice. The signature of Lucía Corpacci, a senator who responds directly to Cristina Kirchner, to enable the processing of Lijo’s document is a sign in this sense. It also seeks to advance undemocratic and proscriptive political reform, privatizing electoral activity by eliminating public financing of campaigns and enabling private financing indiscriminately. This reform would also eliminate PASO (Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries), something that Cristina Kirchner’s inner circle “looks upon with affection,” as she stated. in Cenital journalist Iván Schargrodsky.
THE LLA boycott of the “Clean Record” project promoted by the PRO – a legislative nonsense that would enable greater interference by the Judiciary in politics and that seems tailor-made so that Cristina Kirchner cannot be a candidate again – is a sign more than eloquent of the “pragmatism” of the ruling party and its willingness to negotiate with Kirchnerism. Partly as a token of change in the conversation and partly because a possible candidacy of the former vice president and two-time president would favor the polarization that the Government wants, in the Province of Buenos Aires. They believe that this situation, which at the same time expresses their contradictions and their weakness in expanding their social base, would improve their chances and leave the PRO in a very uncomfortable place. In a scenario without PASO, you should choose to accept the conditions that Milei and Santiago Caputo impose on you to put together a common list or embark on the adventure of playing alone and on the outside, which could be a very bad scenario.
This was what motivated Macri’s response, which went on the attack through social networks and its media and related journalists. Darío Nieto, a Buenos Aires legislator and Macri’s former private secretary, published on “It’s exactly what I voted for,” he wrote, parodying libertarian trolls and the catchphrase they use to defend the Government’s measures.
It’s EXACTLY what I voted for (????) #FichaLimpia pic.twitter.com/n2ozQKtnyk
— Darío Nieto (@DaroNieto) November 28, 2024
Meanwhile, on the news channels close to Macri, journalists simultaneously targeted the LLA deputies who were absent. As if it were a coordinated movement, from Esteban Trebucq and Eduardo Feinmann on LN+ to Jonatan Viale on TN they dedicated a good time of their programming to harshly criticizing the Government.
Macri and his people not only distrust La Libertad Avanza, but also criticized the absences within their own political force. The deputies José Núñez and Gabriel Chumpitaz, both from Santa Fe, were also not at the venue this Thursday and from the Macrismo they point out Patricia Bullrich, whom they attribute to having influenced them not to appear. One more symptom of the confusion that reigns at this time in the PRO, internally fractured and locked in as a result of following Milei’s policies.
The Macrismo attack on networks had its response, mainly from the accounts associated with Santiago Caputo. Nicolás Márquez, known as Milei’s “biographer” and very close to the president, also criticized the project promoted by the PRO. “In a country plagued by corrupt judges and prosecutors, the Clean Record is a very dangerous tool because it lends itself to proscribing candidates through false complaints,” he stated and described the move as “tribunal goodness.”
The relationship between Macri and the PRO with the government of Javier Milei went through different moments during this first year, but it always remained within collaboration and following the Executive’s policies. The novelty of the moment is that as the electoral calendar approaches, and in a context where the Government negotiates with Kirchnerism to advance with the appointment of judges and its electoral reform while CFK enters the ring to encourage polarization , the fissures begin to become more and more exposed and the association they maintained during this time begins to crack, leaving a big question mark for what is to come.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com