The government has committed this week one of the capital sins of politics: convert good news into a problem. It is not remembered that never before the rise in the minimum interprofessional salary, which the Executive of Pedro Sánchez carries by flag after revolutionizing it in six years with a 61% increase, it meant a wear against public opinion. Until this Tuesday, the Treasury reported that, to the increase announced by work, IRPF retention should be practiced for the first time and a real fire was mounted in the coalition.
Actually, approximately one third of the receivers would pay the income tax without being able to deduce it, basically single without children, but the fire had also been unleashed by the way in which the matter was managed, with a filtration just a few minutes of the press conference after a Council of Ministers in which the subject was not discussed. So, confirmed the thunderous communicative failure of a measure that reject almost all parliamentary groups, the debate on the suitability or not to move on no longer adds to add or with the rest of the allies, but in the bosom of the party itself Socialist.
There are several weight voices in the PSOE that think that, even if there are technical reasons to base that receptors of the minimum wage tax for their income, the political battle is lost and it is impossible to overcome it. And that is why they encourage the government to look for the necessary formulas to rectify sooner rather than later.
“Hacienda is right, but it is already very difficult to explain it and this debate destroys us to the left. Pedagogy should have been done before and not now, with all the parties of Congress and public opinion against. In one way or another we will have to eat, ”reasoned a socialist leader after the Plenary of Congress on Wednesday.
With María Jesús Montero out of illness, the voice of Moncloa after the public clash on Tuesday was that of the government’s own president, which in the control session tried to carry out the original plan to focus exclusively on the increase in the increase in purchasing power that workers will perceive in their payrolls by the climb.
“Do you know why we have this debate? Because we have up 61% in these seven years, ”Pedro Sánchez told Feijóo, who threw irony with the opposition to overcome the internal fire. “Now I understand why you froze the SMI, so that you have no retention in the IRPF. Much better live with 735 euros per month without tributing than with 1,184 per month paying IRPF, ”he said.
The president also affected that the traditional PP position with the increase in the minimum wage has been to position himself against. “We have up 61% with you always against you. And we have achieved important things with the SMI: we have reduced inequality in a country with a lot of inequality; We have reduced the gap between workers, because 60% of the SMI beneficiaries are working women. And we have done a very relevant thing, we have dismantled all the neoliberal dogmas that they implemented during the crisis saying that the SMI was not uploaded to create employment. Well, we have climbed 60% SMI and we have 22 million employed. ”
From the Ministry of Finance and from the president of the President in La Moncloa they deny that the Executive is already working on a rectification to María Jesús Montero, although neither of the two departments dare to close the door for that to occur in short or Half term if the president gives orders in that regard. Mainly, because the political fire of the last 48 hours could go to the Congress of Deputies, where to add, Podemos, ERC, BNG and the PP have already registered initiatives to knock the IRPF in the minimum wage that have support of Free to get ahead. Something that, if produced, would leave a very delicate photo for Sánchez and for the socialist part of the Executive.
Even so, the Minister of Digital Transformation, who is one of Pedro Sánchez’s greatest confidence, took balls out on Wednesday to the press questions about a possible rectification. “The agreements are reached and the government has made decisions,” he just responded.
Although no one at this point has expectations that they can penetrate, in Moncloa they strive to transfer the message that “it is appropriate” that “some” perceptors of the SMI pay IRPF. “The Government has risen the SMI between 2018 and 2025, and plans to continue doing so. The normal thing is that, in that process, more SMI receptors are exceeding the minimum exempt from the personal income tax. That happens will be a good sign: it will mean that more and more workers have a better salary, ”says government sources.
Add believe that it will be the PSOE who accuses wear if it does not rectify
If on Tuesday the Decreasing Decision caused a loud anger in the ranks of adding, those of Yolanda Díaz breathed calmly a day later with the assurance that, for the moment, they have won the battle of the story and that it is the Socialist Party who will accuse the wear To tell the minimum wage perceptors that they will have to pay for the first time. The second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, sat next to Pedro Sánchez in the control session, in the absence of María Jesús Montero for a flu, and both chatted in good tone: the Minister of Labor showed her the book she was reading, The utopia of the norms, of the anarchist David Graeber. When leaving, in statements to the media, he synthesized: “In add we have always defended the same.”
Different voices of the coalition coincide that a measure like this, which was raised as one of the great objectives of the Government by 2025, can have a social cost that, as managed, will fall on the socialist wing of the Government. “We have done what we had to do, which is to raise the minimum wage,” summary in Díaz’s coalition. And that’s why they expect PSOE himself to end up rectifying.
The vice president made it clear on Tuesday at the press conference of the Council of Ministers that respects the powers of the Ministry of Finance, but that does not mean that her coalition will stay from crossed arms. The second vice president will let it be the parliamentary group to give the battle from the Congress, where she has already registered a law proposition to rise again the minimum exempt to the line of the new minimum wage.
That proposition, to which this newspaper had access, includes two modifications to “mitigate the fiscal impact” to the workers with lower income. On the one hand, “a reduction in the net performance of work for taxpayers whose income is equal to or lower than the SMI is established or that they do not exceed more than 5,000 euros said threshold.” This reduction, maintains the exposure of motives, “allows the tax burden to be adjusted progressively and equitablely.”
On the other hand, it modifies the IRPF regulations to guarantee “that the application of the benefit is directly reflected in the payrolls of the affected workers.” “These modifications ensure that the increase in the SMI does not imply greater fiscal pressure on those who have lower economic capacity, reinforcing the progressivity of the tax system,” explains the text.
In the parliamentary group they believe that this text can easily get ahead thanks to the votes of the PP, which also presented its own proposition on Tuesday in this regard, although it did it through two initiatives in Congress and in the Senate that contain more measures.
Add also a priori with the support of the main investiture partners in their intention to exempt again this SMI Tax, which gives more confidence in their pressure to the socialists to end up rectifying. We can filed its own law proposition on Tuesday in this regard and other groups such as ERC, EH Bildu or BNG went out to criticize the Treasury decision.
Source: www.eldiario.es