The reform of the Foreigner Law to systematize the reception of migrant minors alone by the Autonomous Communities has made the PP discourse jump through the immigration policy. In a week, the spokesmen of the National Directorate have launched different messages, even contradictory, on the fulfillment of the new regulations, while some autonomous barons have launched to buy the Xenophobic Vox message in exchange for the ultra support to their budgets and others choose to mark distances with the ultras.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo had designed a double strategy on contradictory. First, confrontation with the central government, eager to gain extremist vote. To achieve this, the PP leader did not hesitate to expressly relate immigration and crime. The president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, even told people in an irregular situation with risks to public health, a speech that other regional leaders of the PP assume privately.

At the same time, the PP has tried to mark distances with the most incendiary messages released from Vox. The Ultra party that Santiago Abascal leads used minors not only for their electoral campaigns, but also to justify their departure from the regional governments that he shared with the party that once was that of a good part of his leading paintings.

The PP has tried to offer a different face according to the communicative moment, and its democopic and political needs. Its presidents assumed in 2024 a distribution plan for migrant minors that led to the rupture of governments shared with Vox. The barons promised them very happy to release what they considered a ballast. Also at the national headquarters of the Madrid street of Genoa were exultants for a time before the prediction that Feijóo could finally return to his role as a moderate leader.

But the rights have returned to a land of understanding and, as already happened in 2023, the Valencian Community has marked the way to others. Carlos Mazón announced last Monday a budget pre -agreement with Vox in an institutional statement in which the president of the Generalitat, cornered for his management of the October DANA last year, embraced the ultra speech of those of Abascal.

Mazón attacked environmentalism, criticized his “dogmatism” and claimed to move on “the action” against the European green pact not only voted by the PP in Brussels, but promoted by one of the main commanders of the community right, Ursula von der Leyen. “It goes directly against the essence of our economy,” said the president of a community that less than half a year ago was flooded by some floods that caused at least 228 deaths.

The president of the Generalitat went further and managed to place in a single phrase his repudiation of environmentalism and immigration, which also directly related to the “pillagas” after the Dana. “The right direction,” he said, goes through “face without complexes to the green pact and the policies that favor illegal immigration. The two issues had to do with the tragedy of the Dana in its causes and in the amplification of the consequences for the pillage.”

The message was applauded strongly at the National Headquarters of Vox, on Bamboo Street in Madrid, where they were much more interested in Mazón did not move an apex of what had been dictated that of the autonomous accounts.

But also the PP direction defended his baron, and marked the way to the rest of the autonomic presidents with the 2025 earrings accounts, especially that of Aragon, Jorge Azcón, and Murcia, Fernando López Miras, whom Genoa sent a clear message after listening to the Valencian leader: “We are very comfortable, frankly comfortable. If this is what they are going to consider [desde Vox] In other territories, we are worth it. ”But the message also came to bamboo where they chose to tighten the PP already strongly their minority barons. The PP had to recreate and throw the brake at the impetus of its allies.

Tellado promises “comply with the law”

Mazón announced the agreement on Monday, and in the early hours of Tuesday the Government and Juns closed the agreement to reform article 35 of the Foreigners Law and systematize the reception of migrant minors. A pact that assumes the postulates claimed by two regional governments with the presence of the PP: Canary Islands and Ceuta.

The two have ratified that they agree with Royal Decree-Law approved on Tuesday by the Government and pending validation by Congress. That same day, the PP parliamentary spokesman, Miguel Tellado, settled: “He will not find any autonomous community of the PP that breaches the law, never. We have never done it and we will not do it.”

Tellado tried to mark the passage to the regional barons after Mazón said hours before the Generalitat “will not admit more illegal immigration distributions.” A direct questioning of the law that can end in the Minors Prosecutor’s Office, as they have recognized from other regional governments to

But Mazón went further and raised the need to “return” the minors to their countries of origin, obviating international treaties signed by Spain and that reality makes it impossible most of the time. The Valencian president did not explain how, but there are leaders of the PP who in private defend doing so. For example, requisitioning the mobile phones of minors and reviewing their content to search for clues of their origin. Everything, without judicial authorization since residing in Spain without permission is not a crime, but an administrative infraction.

Mazón’s message is traced to Santiago Abascal, whom the president of the Generalitat has already expressly thanked his support in an informative act at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid last February. This same week, the Vox leader left written: “Neither Bilbao, neither Barcelona, ​​nor Valencia … nor anywhere. Morocco with his parents and with his king. Point.”

Not only Mazón has bought ultra speech. The leader of the Basque PP, Javier de Andrés, too. Anoid by Feijóo before the uncomfortable extremism of Carlos Iturgaiz, the supposed moderation of Andrés also implies “returning” the minors to their parents.

The minority barons align with Vox

But not just Mazón, whose relationship with Alberto Núñez Feijóo is broken (Both did not speak for the budget pact), has ignored the Genoa guideline. Both Murcia Fernando López Miras and Aragonese Jorge Azcón have assumed Vox’s thesis, whose votes need for autonomous budgets.

The most eloquent was the president of the region, who already said the same Tuesday that the reform of the Bigger’s Law that Murcia “cannot” nor will “welcome more” minor migrants was approved. The Aragonese said that his executive “will not collaborate” with the central government.

In the coming weeks, a Sectorial Conference of Children will be convened, chaired by Minister Sira Rego, in which the exact and concrete numbers of both reception and state financing should begin to be fixed since, despite the regrets of the regional presidents of the PP, the Government has committed in part services that correspond by law to the communities.

But today it is not clear that the presidents of the PP will provide the government with the basic statistical information to calculate the cast. Even those presidents who do not need Vox have questioned their collaboration with the Central Executive. This is the case of Alfonso Rueda, who in an informative act in Madrid held last Thursday did not want to respond clearly.

“I return to passive prayer, will the government collaborate with Galicia?” He cleared before the insistence of the questions. The successor of Feijóo at the head of the Xunta assured, this time in a sharp way, that his community “cannot host 326” migrant minors, a fact offered by JUNTS and not confirmed by the Government. In Galicia live 2.7 million people, according to the INE, and their population density does not reach 100 people per square kilometer.

Rueda pointed out, of course, that they will hardly be able to deny the kids because the law obliges and the Minors Prosecutor would act, by criminal proceedings, against possible breaches in the obligations of foster care.

The president of the Xunta defended his colleagues who have assured that they do not want to fulfill their legal obligations. “In Galicia there is no Vox. But my colleagues have to do something fundamental, which is to achieve stability to govern. And much more in Valencia,” he said.

Maybe that explains the unchecks of Juan Manuel Moreno and Isabel Díaz Ayuso. Both have committed since they will assume the reception of the minors that are determined in the sectoral conferences, and have lashed out at Vox for messages that have replicated their own companions.

“I like it or not, I have to comply with the law,” said Ayuso this Thursday at the assembly. “How do you think of talking like this and saying that I can prevent them from breaking the law? What a conservative party,” he snapped who his priority partner was while needing his votes.

On Friday, the direction of the PP chose to turn its speech. The national spokesman, Borja Sémper, assured from Santander that his communities “are not going to be collaboration” of the government, whom he blamed his possible breaches: “The government has to collaborate with the communities and, if it does not, it will have the rejection of the PP, also in the communities where we govern.”

Who has heard little about migrants is Feijóo, who this week has chosen to minimize his public appearances. On Wednesday he participated in the government control session and on Thursday he answered a couple of questions from journalists after meeting in Brussels with the leaders of the European PP.

Enough to cross out “racist and xenophobic” the government agreement with Junts, and not the words of Mazón that related migrants to pillagos. That same day, Ceuta was expected to visit the Vice -Secretary of Organization of the PP, Carmen Fúnez. The arrival of the leader was announced by the Ceutí organization and was collected by several media outlets of the Autonomous City.

The visit was canceled without notice. On Wednesday, the Government of Ceuta, chaired by veteran Juan Jesús Vivas, gave his approval to Royal Decree-Law, but from the PP Ceutí a point to the person responsible for the Press of Fúnez contacted them to announce their absence and excuse himself for reasons of agenda.

Feijóo will have to make in the coming weeks the decision of which the National PP votes in Congress to the Royal Decree-Law that reforms the minors reception system while their communities negotiate compliance and its minority presidents embrace Vox’s thesis to be able to approve budgets. A new test to the internal leadership of the opposition leader.


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