Not even 24 hours after presenting its proposal to dissolve political parties that promote referendums or independence consultations, the PP has come out to minimize its own idea. “We have not invented in the PP,” Feijóo’s parliamentary spokesperson, Miguel Tellado, was quick to clarify this Thursday, who had summoned the media in Congress to give explanations about this initiative.
Tellado wanted to clarify that, in reality, what he presented yesterday as a novelty to reform the Penal Code in his opinion could already be done with the current legal system. “Political parties have already had criminal liability in our country since 2012 and can be sentenced to dissolution with the current legal system, specifically by article 33.7 of the Penal Code,” he admitted.
Questioned then about the meaning of the text recorded yesterday by his group, the spokesperson argued that “the only thing” that this proposal does “is to attribute a penalty to a crime, that of constitutional disloyalty. It is a proposal that makes sense because Sánchez’s partners have not regretted the events they carried out in 2017 but have once again demonstrated their willingness to do it again. That is why we believe that there are plenty of reasons to promote this reform,” he added.
Tellado has also addressed questions from the press about the reason why the PP voted in the last legislature against Vox motions very similar to his proposal, claiming that “they are different proposals.” “They proposed reforming the party law and we proposed reforming the Penal Code,” he said.
The popular demand regarding the Penal Code had until now been to recover the crimes of sedition and embezzlement that the Government of Pedro Sánchez reformed or eliminated after negotiating it with ERC last legislature. Two criminal types that are now not mentioned in the PP proposal. “I think it is already covered, what we have proposed is broader,” Tellado defended.
The spokesperson has maintained that the objective of his party is simply to “rearm the state in the face of the independence challenge” and that to do so they carry out “a responsible opposition.”
The Government refers to the party law
On the part of the Government, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, reacted this Thursday, defending that the party law “works” when asked about the PP’s proposal to dissolve political parties that promote referendums or independence consultations. . “We already have a Party Law that has worked in this country,” said Grande-Marlaska at the press conference on the 2023 road accident balance, in which he took the opportunity to demand that the PP cease its “constitutional disloyalty.” and renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).
On the other hand, Grande-Marlaska has avoided classifying as a hate crime the “embarrassing” protest this New Year’s Eve in the vicinity of the PSOE headquarters in Madrid, in which a doll identified as Pedro Sánchez was hung and beaten and has been sent to the qualification made in this regard by the Prosecutor’s Office. “As Minister of the Interior, I do not like to make a legal-criminal assessment of the facts that are being investigated by the National Police and coordinated by the Hate Crimes Chamber Prosecutor’s Office, and it will be the Prosecutor’s Office that will finally determine the relevance it may have. the same,” he stated.
The socialists pointed from the first moment to the possibility that these events could be investigated as a hate crime. It is an issue that the Government’s partner, Sumar, disagrees with, since its leaders consider the protest reprehensible but without this having to lead to criminal charges.
Source: www.eldiario.es