The Popular Party has allied with the forces of the extreme right to block initiatives in the European Parliament related to the Dana de Valencia in which at least 228 people died. The popular European, together with patriots -the group in which Vox -ECR -who lead the Fratelli d’Italia de Giorgia Melonii and sovereignty -the group piloted by alternative by Germany -have voted against a mission to Valencia promoted by the social democrats to visit the affected areas and hold meetings with local and regional institutions and institutions. They have also rejected appearance of victims of the catastrophe in the request for requests.
The decision has occurred at the meeting of the coordinators of that commission and the PPE has taken advantage of the alternative majority that it has with the forces of the extreme right, despite the fact that patriots and sovereigns impose the sanitary cordon. However, in the first months of the legislature he has already broken it on several occasions, one of them to carry out the recognition of the opponent Edmundo González as elected president of Venezuela. The uncheck of socialists, liberals and green who supported Ursula von der Leyen and the Colegio de Commissioners to add forces with the extreme right has been baptized as the ‘majority Venezuela’ because it was the first time it was used.
Now it has been used again in the Petition Commission, an organ of the Eurocamara in which the Spanish PP, with Pablo Casado first and then with Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has constantly used to sow doubts about the government of Pedro Sánchez or to defend his own interests. On this occasion he has done it with the Dana disaster.
The PPE and the three groups of the extreme right have opposed to appear in April a representative of those affected by the DANA, who requested to speak in the Commission of Petitions under the title ‘Responsibility and inaction of the Valencian Government in the management of the DANA of October 29, 2024 in Valencia’. What they explain in the Spanish delegation of the PP is that it was not the majority association but another that was created later and that they argue that it is “politicized.” In addition, they argue that the issue was already in the request of requests a few weeks ago.
Likewise, a mission of that commission has been opposed to Valencia with the objective of interviewing victims and also with authorities affected by the catastrophe, including municipalities governed by the PP, which the Social Democratic group had requested. The explanation in this case of the PP is that they have supported their travel proposal to the Canary Islands for the immigration crisis.
“The Popular Party and Vox have vetoed the appearance by urgency of the victims of the Dana in the European Parliament. From Compromís we commit ourselves to take them to overcome the veto of the Popular Party and Vox because there can be no reconstruction without repair to the victims and their relatives, ”says Compromís Vicent Marzá.
“The popular group has vetoed the proposal both to bring a petition from the Association of Victims of the Dana, as a mission that we had proposed so that the European Parliament would go to the affected municipalities. Reconstruction of our community, ”explains the MEP of the PSOE Sandra Gómez.
“From a sectarian policy, the Popular Party, for fear, has vetoed this request.
The PP loads against the limitation of the popular accusation that raised
The PPE has used its majority alternative to boost a mission to the Canary Islands due to the increase in migrant arrivals. “The Spanish PP has the effort to raise each EU stone so that Sánchez assumes its responsibility and acts.
The linguistic situation in Catalonia will also take to that commission. “The meeting of coordinators of the Petition Commission of the European Parliament has approved today to celebrate a debate in April on the need to end the Catalan monolingual policy and the exclusion of Spanish in commerce, businesses and relations between private entities and individuals.
In the session of the commission in the afternoon, the PP of Feijóo has taken advantage of Sánchez again with a petition that criticized the legislative proposal to limit popular accusations. The popular, who have baptized that rule as ‘Begoña Law’, have accused the government of promoting that change to be “protected, safe and unpunished”, despite the fact that in the time of Mariano Rajoy they defended that initiative. “It is not enough to have the opposition threatened, silence the public accusation and have the managed judges, wants to go a step further. Now he wants to go for the free press, so he continues to use public television as a propaganda machine, threatening businessmen with changes in the shareholding of private media that do not follow the water to the government,” said the Eurodiputada soul Ezcurra.
The representative of the European Commission has said that this legislative proposal will be present in the dialogue on the rule of law that the community government will maintain in early April with the Spanish authorities within the framework of the report that will be published in summer, reports the EFE agency.
Source: www.eldiario.es