The new State Pact against Gender Violence starts its final stretch. The parties have reached a first agreement on Monday, with the exception of VOX, and have completed the work of preparing the text, which paves the way for final approval. It will still have to go through two votes: that of the monitoring and evaluation commission, which will predictably take form of sexist violence.
This is detailed by the report, to which Eldiario.es has had access and which, although it can still change, includes more than 400 measures in different areas. A part of them is already collected in current regulations, they are still pending reforms or lack of concretion, but others are novel modifications. To implement them, the document records an economic budget that increases compared to the previous The government delegation budget against gender violence – 40 for municipalities and 160 for communities.
The text contemplates “specifically incorporating economic violence in our legal system” through the transposition of the European Directive 2024/1385, as well as “recognizing, regulating and defining it” as the action of “limiting, suppressing or controlling” the access of victims to economic resources with the objective of depending economically on the aggressor. “It should be taken into account that economic violence of gender is not only the crime of default of pensions, but also other criminal types such as the crime of uprising of goods, scams, undue appropriations or unfair administration,” details the final report.
Specifically, the text incorporates proposals such as bringing to the Criminal Code a guy that “collects all behaviors” that seek to “limit the economy and economic independence of women” or add to the crime of default of pensions an aggravated modality that takes into account the economic situation in which he leaves the victim.
Suppression of mitigating
In the training section, the report delves into the judicial field and stipulates the “expansion of the agenda” of the oppositions to the judiciary and in the judicial school, although it does not specify in what sense, or the “reinforcement” of the specialization of The criminal courts, who are the ones who attend a greater number of cases. Along with this, the text contemplates the possibility of “proposing” that all legal operators “receive transversal training in vicar violence” regardless of the court.
In addition, it establishes the specialization in “evaluable” gender violence of the psychosocial teams that attend the courts, sometimes indicated by experts and victims for their reports. Thus, it also contemplates that it is guaranteed that in them the reproduction of approaches such as the false parental (SAP) syndrome, a theory not endorsed by the main scientific or judicial organizations by which mothers would manipulate their children in against the parent in a context of dispute for custody and sometimes serves to end up retiring them to women themselves.
In the judicial section, the text proposes the suppression of two attenuators of confession in cases of gender violence: the confession and the repair of the damage, which was applied to the soccer player Dani a hell to reduce his penalty for sexual aggression. In addition, it contemplates that the consent of the victims is not taken into account when assessing cases of breach of convictions or protection measures or that the replacement of the work penalty for the benefit of the community is always conditioned to the aggressors Make a “reeducation” program.
In addition, it proposes the elaboration of guides “with coordination criteria” between the courts of gender violence and those of family and the impulse of an instruction so that it is mandatory that the latter consult the system that connects the different databases. The objective is to avoid the uncoordination that is sometimes given and that in 2021 led to the murder for vicarium violence of an 11 -year -old child in Swedish after a judge set a shared custody without being aware that the father had been previously convicted of mistreat the mother.

Vicaria violence
Precisely, a specific section reserves the new covenant for violence against sons and daughters, already recognized as direct victims of sexist violence. Thus, with the aim of preventing it, it establishes the obligation that, before the judges make a decision on visits regimes, there is a “paternal-philial professional evaluation” if the victims request it and proposes to prevent “the abuseting parents ”They can access the recordings made on the occasion of the judicial explorations of the minors. At the same time, it claims the legislative development for the sons and daughters of the enabling title, the system that already exists for women and that allows them to be accredited as victims of gender violence without the need to denounce.
There are also some measures aimed at orphaned minors for sexist violence: among them, the annual update of the pensions they receive or the implementation in the educational centers of a specific system of support for children who have lost their mothers for this cause. On the other hand, it provides for the development of a common protocol for family meeting points, in which “SAP is not applied”.
Regarding the assistance to the victims, the pact suggests the establishment of an “accompaniment and help system” to decision -making with the objective of “avoiding the lack of protection of women” and promoting that there is only one only one “reference” professional for victims throughout the care process. In addition, it incorporates the figure of the “support units at the local level” in which the social and health services that “act coordinate” are included with the State Security Forces and Bodies and bodies and bodies to women in the interpositions of the complaint or judicial processes “in order to strengthen their decision.”
Doctor’s consultation detection
In relation to the police, the extension of the specialized units of both the National Police and the Civil Guard “to all the police stations of the Spanish territory” is established so that they also reach the rural world. Regarding the Viogén protection system, it proposes that perpetrated violence through pets be an element to take into account within the risk assessment protocols or prevent those police officers who are incurred in a process of gender violence “” can access Viogén or databases that may contain victims data. ”
There is a battery of measures related to the health field, where the impulse of a common protocol in the National Health System aimed at the early detection of sexist violence, and in education is expected. In the latter, precepts already included in previous laws such as the impulse of affective-sexual education are established, a measure in which it is added that it must be guaranteed that those who teach it “have the necessary training” and propose the regulation of “which which They are the degrees that enable these contents. ” It also points to the agreement with the autonomous communities of what are the requirements to “impart formations in gender equality and violence that can receive public funds”, in line with the discourse of suspicion that the rights have sustained in recent years about these formations.
To this are added the proposals related to the awareness campaigns or the improvement in the collection of statistical data, as well as the obligation that in the equal plans it is included as a measure that the companies of more than 50 employees collect data on complaints and Files for sexual harassment disaggregated by sex. They also include some measures encompassed under the epigraph of “prevention of access to pornography” and some others related to prostitution already contained in other laws, such as “discouraging demand” through campaigns or “implement legislative changes” to “combat “Advertising.
Source: www.eldiario.es