Just dismissed as a general deputy director and head of the hiring of the Agency for Digital Administration of the Community of Madrid – after recognizing the Ayuso government that its presence in a private counseling company on public contracts implied “incompatibility” -, Antonio Carrasco Reija is undoubtedly a man to whom the traffic lights of the high spheres of the Madrid administration have opened in his way after year.
In his public career, Carrasco has held positions of maximum relief, such as the community general of the community in the first half of the convulsive decade initiated in 2010, when the cases Gürtel, Púnica and Lezo ended up intertwined with the financing of the PP as a link. In the list of public positions of the hitherto deputy director of Madrid Digital is also that of Secretary General of the always powerful Ministry of Finance. And the Vocal Representative of the Community of Madrid in the Board of Directors of Avalmadrid, the reciprocal guarantee company that in 2011 had brought 400,000 euros never returned to a company of Ayuso’s parents.
Carrasco has never been involved in any criminal case for alleged corruption. During the parliamentary investigation of Avalmadrid, he reiterated – here you can access the session of February 14, 2020 – that he did not know anything about the report that the mixed risks and audit commission of Avalmadrid – of which Carrasco was a vocal – issued in July 2019 about MC of Finding, the mercantile in which the parents of Diaz Ayuso participated at 25%.
At least and as has happened in the last 13 months, the traffic light that regulates the march of today ceased has remained in amber: the regional executive has not yet explained why he kept him as a general deputy director until last week despite the fact that since January 2024 he already knew that he simultaneously simultaneously in Madrid Digital with the co -ownership of the private buffet Aqualex Boutique SL.
The mercantile website that shares with the also ceased director of the legal services of the public agency, Ramiro Salamanca, now remains missing but the previous screenshots attest to which plot opera.
An authorized source of the Ministry of Autonomous Digitization responded this week to eldiario.es that both Carrasco and Salamanca “are labor personnel” who have “their position and have returned to him.” “They are not high positions so the Community of Madrid cannot facilitate its salary,” he argued by the question about his remuneration. The positions that have left vacancies “have not been occupied,” he added.
Incorporated in 1997 to the General Advocacy of the Community of Madrid, Carrasco’s professional career appears milestones that define him as a essential in the official scaffolding of the successive governments of the PP. Especially, in relation to public procurement, one of the fields that caused Esperanza Aguirre and its successor, Ignacio González, for judicial investigations on the financing of the Madrid PP.
The political migraine for the suspicions of corruption referred to Aguirre and has been minorized for its immediate successor: the separate piece (PS) of the Punic case on the accounts of the PP – the already famous PS9 – is definitely filed in terms of Aguirre. And the Gürtel case, the first major season of the series that continued with the aforementioned Punic, either of them either. That a Fuste businessman at that time, Fernando Martín, from Martins Lapuerta, warned him of that operation.
It was with Aguirre when, in March 2006 – so it consists of his LinkedIn profile – Carrasco amounted to Secretary General of the Computer and Communications Agency of the Community of Madrid, that ICM that ended up deriving in the current denomination –Madrid Digital– and which was involved in the judicial investigation of the Punic case by the contracts awarded to a company linked to the CEO of that time.
The now ceased Antonio Carrasco was only in ICM until July 2007. He jumped to the General Secretariat of Finance, then at the same position as the Autonomous Department of Family and Social Affairs and, finally in January 2010 the pole promoted him to the valuable position of general auditor of the Community of Madrid, to whom “the internal control of the economic-financial management of the regional public sector” corresponds.
His LinkedIn network file shows how Carrasco highlights the objective that he achieved as head of the apparatus responsible for supervising the files that involve spending for the Madrid administration: “Definition and implementation of the first accounting record of invoices of all the expense files that the community and development of the processes and procedures for their automation and integration into the financial -contable systems of the community”.
In December 2019, the newspaper El País published that the Community of Madrid had located 196 contracts awarded between 2009 and 2013 with the one then known as the “1% clause”, the one that forced the beneficiary companies to allocate to advertising 1% of the total amount and that was investigated as a potential tool to nurture the finances of the Madrid PP. The contracts were located – said information – but the invoices had not been found at least on that date.
In July of that same year, a report by the Madrid Chamber of Accounts revealed that entities and agencies linked to the Regional Executive used at least 345 bank cards to spend 15 million euros between 2008 and 2015. They did not hold control measures by the general intervention.
In June 2014, he returned to the most repeated position in his career: general secretary of a Ministry, now, education, youth and sport until May 2015, then that of economy, employment and finance until October 2021. That second position was combined since November 2019 with the General Sub -Directorate of Madrid Digital. That is, the ICM Successor Agency, the first section of an promotion race that now seems detained and in which the last year was maintained for unknown reasons.

Source: www.eldiario.es