While the major hegemonic media and different parties of the regime want to ignore or manipulate the issue, The left continues to launch a strong campaign for the annulment of the Bases Law.
From different power plants they want to reduce the Kueider case to an issue of individual corruption or to internal quarrels of petty politics, hiding the essential: The Base Law, thrashed out for months to launch a party of deregulations, delivery of natural common goods and labor reform in favor of the great economic power, must be declared null and void for having been voted within the framework of a corruption scandal. We will say it once again: the vote of Kueider – detained with more than 200,000 dollars without declaring in Paraguay – was essential for that law to end in a tie in the Senate and to be approved with the tie-breaking vote of Victoria Villarruel. The Base Law is stained by corruption and is totally null. As was the Banelco Law of the Fernando de la Rúa government at the time.
In this framework, The left is campaigning very strongly on this issue.. This Friday, 23 years after December 20, 2001 and one year after the first march against Milei, A strong mobilization is being called to Plaza de Mayo together with social organizations. There, among other slogans, a national strike will be demanded against the Milei adjustment and for the annulment of the Bases Law. We have to be thousands to raise this perspective forcefully.
At the parliamentary level, The Left Front had already presented a draft “declaration of absolute and irremediable nullity of the Base Law.”
Myriam Bregman also reported from her social networks that “today, deputies of the Left Front met with the president of the UxP bloc, Germán Martínez, and deputy Santiago Cafieroauthor of the Investigative Commission project, to exchange on our project to nullify the Bases law and other initiatives. As the Kueider case shows, this law is the product of corruption, it must be annulled and we are going to do everything in our power to end this norm that fuels surrender and looting and attacks workers and popular sectors.”
Today, deputies of the Left Front met with the president of the UxP bloc, Germán Martínez, and deputy Santiago Cafiero, author of the Investigative Commission project, to exchange on our project to nullify the law Bases and others…
— Myriam Bregman (@myriambregman) December 18, 2024
For his part, Nicolás del Caño elaborated by publishing that “the ‘Kueider Law’ must be declared null. It is a corrupt law. From the @Fte_Izquierda bloc we promote a nullity project. Together with different parliamentary initiatives from various blocs, it is essential to develop the popular mobilization so that this norm that takes away historical rights of the working class and hands the country over to multinationals does not continue to apply.
The “Kueider Law” must be declared null and void. It is a corrupt law. From the block of @Fte_Izquierda We promote a nullity project. Along with different parliamentary initiatives from various blocks, it is essential to develop popular mobilization so that it does not continue in force… https://t.co/vFghC7RUsu
— Nicolas del Caño (@NicolasdelCano) December 18, 2024
Also from his social networks, Christian Castillo published a video with the call to mobilize: “This Friday, December 20, from 4:30 p.m. we will go to #plazademayo against the adjustment of the Milei government and for the nullity of the corrupt bases law “You can’t miss it, to support the retirees and the workers!”
Watch the full video:
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com