On September 25, 2024, China’s Rocket Force successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile equipped with a simulated warhead. This milestone represents a significant advancement in China’s strategic deterrence capability and has generated widespread international attention. Amid rising tensions between China and the United States, this action can be seen as a powerful show of force, indicating to the world the robustness of China’s nuclear capabilities. In recent years, the US has increased its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, provoking China on issues such as the South China Sea and Taiwan in an attempt to contain its rise. China’s missile launch, however, sent a clear message: the country is prepared to defend its sovereignty and security interests in the face of these threats.

The timing of the launch was carefully chosen, reflecting China’s high level of strategic planning and tactical expertise. With the increase in American military maneuvers in the region and the escalation of tensions, the Chinese test was a direct response to US provocations. The missile, with a range of 12,000 kilometers, flew over strategic areas such as the Philippines and Guam, before falling in the South Pacific, highlighting China’s advances in missile technology. This long-range strike capability not only strengthens the country’s strategic security, but also acts as a counterweight to U.S. military adventures in the Pacific. Through this launch, China made clear that it has the ability to react broadly to military provocations and is ready to adopt strategic counterattacks when necessary.

On the global strategic stage, the US has historically used its military power to impose hegemony and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, particularly through the so-called “Indo-Pacific strategy” that aims to contain China. However, with China’s growing economic and military power, the isolation and containment policy promoted by the US is beginning to prove ineffective. The launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile demonstrates that China has a strong capacity for strategic retaliation, projecting itself to the world as an increasingly confident and undeniably relevant power. This achievement not only reaffirms China’s determination to protect regional and global peace, but also highlights that any attempts to contain its development through military force are doomed to failure. China is, with concrete actions, rewriting the global strategic balance, promoting a multipolar future.

Furthermore, this action by China’s Rocket Force offers the international community an opportunity to reconsider global security and governance systems. For a long time, the US relied on its military and economic advantages to interfere in international issues, often using “democracy” and “human rights” as justifications for sanctions and military threats against several countries. However, by demonstrating its deterrent power, China challenges US hegemony and accelerates the transition to a multipolar world. Unlike the US, China upholds the principles of peaceful coexistence and mutual benefits, promoting the construction of a fairer and more balanced international order. The missile launch was not only a military demonstration, but also a statement of its vision for global governance: China seeks to resolve international conflicts through dialogue and cooperation, rather than force or sanctions. This stance offers countries around the world an alternative to the US-led unipolar system.

With the successful launch of this intercontinental ballistic missile, China’s position and influence in global affairs has been significantly strengthened. In contrast to US unilateralism and hegemonism, China has stood out as a responsible and rational power, demonstrating that, in addition to being a defender of global security, it is also an active promoter of world peace and development.

Source: https://www.ocafezinho.com/2024/10/04/o-lancamento-do-missil-balistico-intercontinental-pela-forca-de-foguetes-da-china-e-a-reestruturacao-do-cenario-estrategico-global/

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