Devaluation and liberation of prices: this is how the year began with Milei and Caputo. The chainsaw plan and the brutal adjustment to comply with the IMF sank the economy. Lowering inflation was not free. A war plan against salaries and retirements that not only did not recover what was lost during the last Peronist government, but also continued to decline. We put together this summary with the main economic events that occurred in the lives of millions of workers.
A year of notable intensity ends in terms of official announcements, and particularly economic measures, decisions made by the government that affect the lives of the popular majorities. From the economics section of La Izquierda Diario we put together this summary of notes that reflect these events, from a different perspective, of another kind. Showing the contrasts that are generated, where salaries and retirements have been the main adjustment variable. At the same time, the concentrated economic groups continued to increase their profits, because Milei is a “cuddly kitten of economic power.”
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-Down with the DNU and the Omnibus Law. In the face of government attacks, banging of pots and pans and massive mobilizations in the streets, they reject these measures.
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-Bases Law. The complicity of the right-wing, radical parties and a sector of Peronism allowed Milei to consolidate certain partial victories at the parliamentary level, at the same time that they formalized a brutal adjustment plan with anti-worker reforms, which favored evaders and businessmen.
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-Exchange gap. The government decided to intervene by selling dollars to stop the rise in financial markets. A measure that contradicts the libertarian discourse of non-intervention, and that seeks to calm the jump in the exchange rate gap generated by the uncertainty of the economic direction, political instability and inflation that is still at high levels.
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– Zero deficit. Milei’s vetoes against retirees and the increase in the university budget, which began to show massive rejection in the streets against the adjustment.
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-Presupuesto 2025. El año termina sin el tratamiento en el Congreso de la Ley de leyes, esto implica prorrogar el presupuesto actual. El proyecto del Gobierno proponía más ajuste al servicio del FMI.
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-Where is Milei’s economy going? This debate went through much of the second half of the year, in which there were no clear prospects for recovery. Inflation continued to decline, but consumption continued to sink due to the deterioration of wages. The nodal problems remained latent, despite the exchange rate calm achieved with the burning of reserves. Truncated story: public debt grew by US$93 billion in 2024: without fiscal deficit and a strong adjustment underway.
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-The caste was you. In this special we analyze the winners and losers in the first year of the LLA government. We have the opinion of different economists such as Martín Kalos, Candelaria Botto, Martín Schorr, Claudio Lozano and Luis Campos.
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Nothing good for the working people can be expected from this government, which accelerates the adjustment to comply with the IMF and benefit the large national business community. Peronism does not seek to break with the scourge of foreign debt and maintains an agenda aligned with servile extractivism, it is not that way. The path is to consolidate a social force of the sectors in struggle, of workers, retirees, students and women; coordinated from below. Let him face the adjustment plan and propose to put in place a different alternative to all the recipes that have already failed, prioritizing the interests of the working class over capitalist profit.
Image: Red Focus
Economy / National Economy / Dollar / Devaluation / IMF / Inflation / Poverty / Retirements / Fiscal adjustment / Luis “Toto” Caputo / Javier Milei / Bases Law
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com