With the assumption of mercy and the announcement of BOTTOM and the Omnibus Law There was a shake-up of the political, economic and social situation. The mobilization of the left, combative unionism and opposition social movements on December 20 kicked off the resistance that is already expanding throughout the country with pot-banging and popular assemblies. A first response from sectors of society that express their discontent in the streets.
reality from below
From the first moment La Izquierda Diario became an amplifier of this resistance from below, with correspondents in every place where a protest arose and mobile phones on the street showing the voices from below.
To understand the magnitude: our account of Tik Tok had an increase in video views of 595.8% in December compared to November, meaning that since the runoff our videos reached 4.100.000 accounts. Furthermore, the growth of followers was exponential, going from 51,000 at the end of November to 70,000 today. In total, during 2023 we had a growth of 250%.

Regarding our account Instagramwhich in November reached 971,213 accounts, in December it reached 1.493.311. 8,418 new accounts started following us compared to 3,467 in November. Interactions with content (likes, comments, shares, saved) increased 62.6% compared to November.
“We are already paying for the crisis” was one of the mobile voices that Celeste Vázquez made on the street with more than a million views on Tik Tok.
@laizquierdadiario The president during the campaign said that the caste was going to pay for the adjustment but that is a lie. Beyond the brutal measures that he already announced, you are paying for the adjustment with price increases, especially for food. He says that “there is no money” and for this reason he has no alternative. But there is money, it is left to a few like the food entrepreneurs who had record profits based on price increases that exceeded 200% in one year. #Milei #Casta #Ajusta #NoHayPlata #Inflacion ♬ original sound – La Izquierda Diario
Another complaint that had a lot of impact was that of the workers of the Viceroys Clinic in the Belgrano neighborhood, who came out to fight against the emptying and closing of a health center that could be put at the service of the Community.
But these are not some isolated good examples, as had happened with our official accounts in other political moments in which we had “milestones” with viral videos. After Milei’s triumph, the jump was widespread.
These changes have to do with a political moment in which the ideas and opinions of the left are beginning to be listened to with much more attention. It is no coincidence that the two videos with the most views in recent months on our Instagram are the challenge that Myriam Bregman made to the appointment as president of the Chamber of Deputies for Martín Menem (1.7 Million views) and the assumption as national deputy of Christian Castillo (437K views). Nicolás del Caño also went viral this week with the clashes he had with Espert in Congress and even gained relevance in the last few hours with the Neura episode of Alejandro Fantino’s program with one of his members.
That is why we also aim to explain what each of the far-right attacks consists of and how we intend to organize ourselves to confront them. Because, as various political analysts have already stated, part of Milei’s plan consists of attacking on hundreds of flanks at the same time and thus seeking to confuse, causing each affected party to talk about their own issue and losing focus of what the attack means. together, which seeks to give a historic defeat to the working class and the poor people while further enriching the capitalists and the owners of the country.
Thus, Lucho Aguilar is reporting from the first moment the news about the CGT meetings, while Fernando Scolnik explains Milei’s verses, Lucía Ortega dismantles the economic keys of the measures, Eduardo Castilla analyzes the statements of different officials, Raúl Godoy denounced the threats of eviction to Tercer Malón, Claudia Ferri uses history to explain the present, Lihuen Eugenia investigates the details of the looting of natural common goods within the DNU and the Omnibus Law, Guille Stola anticipated the presidential speech and spoke of Milei and the Irish lie and also Tom Máscolo explained who Toto Caputo is.
Those are some of the more than 50 columns that exceeded tens of thousands of views in the last month and a half. We believe that this sustained increase is the most important development in recent weeks.
To this we must add columns starring male and female workers who talk about issues in the public debate but with an authority that no one but them has to speak: aeronautical workers like Luciano Corradi explaining the accident of the Flybondi plane in Mar del Plata and reaching more than 100K views, but not only that but it also circulated among airport workers and even in neighborhood assemblies; states like Lorena Itabel, telling how they have been organizing in the face of layoffs and exceeding 200K views; Claudio Dellecarbonara, subway worker and member of the AGTSyP union secretariat, told about the meeting with the CGT for the December 20 mobilization, also on Tik Tok, in a video with 94,000 views. These are just three examples of the potential of our media to become the voice of the struggle of the working class.
@laizquierdadiario ❌ MILEI LEAVES 7000 STATE EMPLOYEES ON THE STREET 👉🏼 A new decree from the president resolves not to renew the State contracts started this year 📌 @Lorena Itabel, state worker, tells you in this video #Milei #Dismissals #Estatales #DNU # Setting ♬ original sound – La Izquierda Diario
In lung
These videos, as well as all the content that La Izquierda Diario reflects, are the product of an integration that was carried out in all areas with news writing, audiovisual and social media teams with the challenge of increasing influence and conquering new audiences. to the millions of annual visits that the newspaper has through its website. This growth is part of a general growth of the PTS and the Left Front since it is also expressed in the accounts of our deputies with tens of hundreds of thousands of followers along with an enormous media impact of their interventions.
We show reality from below and we try to be the means that reconstructs a ideological political imaginary that expresses the interests of the great majorities and organizes resistance. We do revolutionary journalism because we believe that the destinies of these majorities will be defined in the class struggle. That’s why We give a voice to those who are denied by the big business media: to those at the bottom, who are the ones who are called to turn everything around and change this society at its roots.
@laizquierdadiario Javier Milei spoke of a privatization plan to develop in his government. But what does privatizing a company really mean and who does it benefit? If you want to know about this and how privatizations worked in the 90s with Menemism, watch the video by @c@Claudia Ferri For more information on this topic, go to La Izquierda Diario. #privatizacion #Milei #Menem #90s #Convertibilidad ♬ original sound – La Izquierda Diario
Unlike the big media that respond to the Government and its accomplices, La Izquierda Diario does not receive funding of the State or large companies. This guarantees that we are truly independent of all governments and the powerful. The period of crisis and struggle that has begun to open presents us with enormous challenges. To continue growing, improving our tools and amplifying the arrival of our ideas, we need the contribution of those who support us.
You can be part: make your financial contribution and become part of our Community so that we continue building revolutionary socialism from below.
@laizquierdadiario The “Omnibus Law” that Javier Milei sent to Congress includes 664 articles plus annexes. What is this package of laws for? What does the president want to be voted on? We tell you what you need to know to understand how this works. #Milei #LeyOmnibus #DNU #Decreto #Ajuste ♬ original sound – La Izquierda Diario
@laizquierdadiario 🏘️ Milei’s DNU repeals the Rental Law, and now? 📃 The law established minimum conditions to protect tenants in a context of salary arrears, precariousness and permanent increase in the cost of living. Without the Rental Law, the conditions of “free agreement” contracts are defined by the owner 👉🏼 What does this mean? @OrtegaLu tells you in this video #Milei #DNU #LeyDeAlquileres #Casta #Ajuste ♬ original sound – La Izquierda Diario
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com