The impact of what happened on Wednesday in Congress is overwhelming. Overnight, twenty million public transport users, twelve million pensioners or two and a half million workers who charge the minimum interprofessional salary were affected. The PP, Vox and Juns clamp knocked the so -called Bus Decree that the Government submitted to its validation. And the idea is now to chop the measures included in that decree in search of the parliamentary support necessary to endorse them.
At some point on Wednesday, as the Executive of Pedro Sánchez suffered one of his most popular parliamentary blows, he overturned the idea in the circle closest to the president of convening an extraordinary council of ministers to re -approve by decree urgently with some of the most impact policies, such as the increase in pensions or transport aid, to prevent the political strategy of the rights when vote against so many millions of citizens. But it took little to be ruled out.
Moncloa’s political commitment goes through “cooking in her sauce” to the parties that voted against, with an eye on the discomfort that can generate in the citizens that decay such sensitive policies. Although there are among the socialist ranks who doubts the success of a PP and Juns wear strategy with the attempt to take responsibility for the problem, the government now tries that the focus is put precisely in the groups that voted against.
“The Government has done its job,” said Pedro Sánchez this Thursday during his appearance in Valencia after meeting with the mayors of the municipalities affected by the Dana. “They are, those parliamentary groups who did not think about the general interest, who have to respond to what their position will be now. They thought of winning a vote at the expense of the welfare of the people, and it seems to me that it is the worst way of doing politics, ”said the president, who took care to point to the PP more than Junts although he encompassed the attitude of before in the” antipolytic ”.
The internal debate now focuses on what to prioritize the broad package of economic aid and policies that included the Omnibus decree. According to all the sources consulted in the Government, late on Thursday the decision was not taken and none of the departments involved in the measures had instructions on whether any of them will be rescued already next Tuesday.
The Ministry of Labor has been hurried to plug the hole that caused the parliamentary batacazo in the minimum interprofessional salary. The extension of the amount of 2024 was also annulled and, given the interpretations that this situation leaves Spain without minimum wage since Thursday, the department of Yolanda Díaz launched an instruction, to which Eldiario.es has had access, which intends shield it to conclude that the salary floor of 1,134 euros of 2024 is still in force. In addition, he warns that the Labor Inspection will monitor this compliance.
Beyond the reproach of the PP and Juns, the formula of accumulating measures in the same decree is assumed in the government. In fact, in the PSOE there are those who give that omnibus format by amortized and openly defends that, with the current parliamentary panorama, it would be irresponsible to use it again in what is left of the legislature. That is why the plan is now to break down the content of the text lying on Wednesday and submit it to its validation in the fragmented Congress to guarantee the support of the camera.
Both the PP and Junts have assured that in the event that the Government takes to Congress the revaluation of pensions and transport aid separately to the rest of the measures, will have their votes to move it forward. And excuse their vote against this week in the inclusion in the Omnibus decree of some points that do not even appear in that decree. The PP has alluded in the last hours, for example, to the “tax rise” that ensures that the Executive practices and that in no case is it reflected in the text lying down.
The leftist partners hurry
In parallel, the leftist partners do hurry Pedro Sánchez. Podemos, EH Bildu and the BNG do not want the government to waste time to reactivate the measures that decreased and claim the executive to move to recover the social shield that included among other matters the revaluation of pensions or extension for six months of public transport aid.
Some of those partners already showed their anger during the plenary. Esquerra Republicana charged hard against Junts to understand that knocking down a decree like this only has the objective of damaging the government. “The government is not damaged, but people. And society should not pay for irresponsibility and partisan calculations of right -wing forces, ”EH Bildu sources transfer at the same time.
We can, however, reproaches the government of its lack of capacity to negotiate with its partners and carry out the set of the package. And that is why, this Thursday he claimed to return to the Council of Ministers as it came out a few weeks ago and does not give in to the “blackmail” of the right -wing parties, who “want to criminalize the most vulnerable people of our society, who are those that are at risk of eviction. ”
Ione Belarra’s party believes that the Executive must act quickly and take advantage of the next meeting of the ministers to approve measures, especially concerned with protection against vulnerable evictions. And that is why he has already moved his request directly to the PSOE. “There are tens of thousands of people who can reactivate an eviction,” they say sources from the party, who believe that a delay of even a few days can already have “terrible” consequences.
A reasoning similar to that they move from EH Bildu, which accuses Carles Puigdemont and Alberto Núñez Feijóo of using similar arguments to justify their vote against yesterday’s plenary. The independence formation is striking that a day later both have launched the same proposal to the government to bring to Congress a decree with the measures that have their support.
“What issues have been introduced that they are not social and economic protection measures? Which ones do they reject exactly? Neither of the two parties has explained it. Citizens should not be confused with excuses that are far from reality to try to justify their vote against; They must assume their responsibility for the political position adopted, ”sources of the Basque Party lament.
And that is why they insist, just like Podemos, that the Government must bring to the Council of Ministers the measures that decreased to approve “as soon as possible”. “Not only the increase in pensions and sales of public transport as the right -wing parties claim that yesterday knocked down the decree, but also all the measures contained in the social shield: the extension of the electric social bond, the prohibition of supplies of supplies Basics and evictions for vulnerable families… ”, they review.
The BNG also sent a statement on Thursday in which it has asked the government to try to approve the measures that have declined, although it has focused its requests on the rise in pensions and the discounts to rail transport that, remember sources of the party, are issues which appear in the investiture agreement they signed with the PSOE.
Source: www.eldiario.es