Through decree No. 57, signed on Friday, January 19, the Government confirmed the extension of the extraordinary sessions of the National Congress. In article 1 of the same, it can be read: “the Extraordinary Sessions of the Honorable Congress of the Nation, convened by Decree No. 76 dated December 22, 2023, are extended until February 15, 2024.”
After his return from the Davos Forum, Milei signed the extension of the legislative sessions. The resolution occurs in the midst of secret negotiations and conspiracies with collaborationist blocs to approve the Omnibus Law and carry out the enormous attack that the Government is preparing against the vast majority of the population.
In addition, the convocation decree adds new topics to be discussed such as “the entry of foreign troops” in April to participate in a “Combined Training for the Defense of Argentine Fishing Resources” exercise, changes in the Penal Code, which aim to lower the age of imputability, the reform of Law 25,246 on the Prevention and Repression of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and the replacement of chapter 2 of the omnibus law, related to national defense regulations.
In the last few hours, different analyzes had emerged about the opinion and the parliamentary regulations, since this establishes that the opinion to hold a session must be issued up to 10 days before the extraordinary sessions end. For this reason they had to do it before Sunday, something that was not possible in the midst of the open negotiations that the Government maintains with sectors of the PRO, the UCR and the Federal Coalition headed by Pichetto.
Minutes before knowing the extension of the extraordinary sessions, the Radical Civic Union (UCR) had released a statement in which it stated: “We are opposed to the form and substance of the project.” The statement ends by assuring the intention to “give the indispensable tools of governance to the new government voted for by 15 million Argentines”, something that shows the willingness to sit down to negotiate with Milei and accompany this attack against the town. This position is not surprising, it is enough to remember that radicalism was an active part of the tightening government of Macri and Together for Change, supporting the looting, the debt, the high rates and the enormous loss of the purchasing power of salaries in that period.
But at the same time, they assert their position in the negotiation and the evident weakness of the ruling party to impose conditions. In this sense, they point out: “Regarding the way these initiatives have been brought to parliament – a bill that is incomprehensible, heterogeneous and with a high dose of improvisation – we are extremely critical, especially taking into account the republican convictions that we have historically upheld since the radicalism”. And they also emphasize that “on the underlying issues, we question most of the initiatives proposed by the governmentsuch as the delegated powers, the repeal of the retirement formula, the increase in withholdings for regional economies, privatizations and the modification of the electoral regime, among many others”.
📢 Radicalism against #LeyAll of the government pic.twitter.com/glFCeTUL7H
— UCR National Convention (@ConvencionUCR) January 19, 2024
The UCR statement shows the tensions that exist in the negotiation and calls into question the news that the ruling party intentionally spread in recent hours, considering the negotiation almost closed and with the votes secured for the approval of the law.
“We are going to continue working to get more votes than some expect. We are not going to approve the law with 129 wills, but with many more“, the head of the La Libertad Avanza block, Oscar Zago, had said earlier. However, reality does not seem to coincide with the canchereos of the government’s story. and the extension of the extraordinary sessions indicates that nothing is closed yet.
The longer the negotiations drag on, the narrower the time frame for the Government, which intends to obtain the half-sanction in the coming days. An uncomfortable position for the ruling party, which exposes its weakness in imposing conditions despite its “tough” speech and which forces it to give in and accept the modifications proposed by the voluntary givers of governance if it wants to have their votes.
More than ever, it is important to redouble efforts in the organization of Wednesday’s event. A forceful measure and continuity in a fighting plan until the Omnibus Law, the DNU and all the adjustment measures fall could be the beginning of a new situation, with the objective of defeating the Government’s war plan.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com