Less than a week later, the Government has closed an agreement with Junts to approve the controversial Omnibus decree that declined last week. The Council of Ministers on Tuesday has approved a new decree that includes much of the text that on Wednesday knocked on the PP, Vox and Junts Congress and that includes such relevant issues as the revaluation of pensions or the expansion of public transport aid .
The Executive returns to the route of Royal Decree Law, so the text must submit again to a vote of the lower house in the next 30 days as established by law. But now, as Pedro Sánchez explained, he will already have the support of the seven deputies of Junts, so PSOE and add they will not need the votes of the party of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.
One of the keys to the pact is that the socialists have agreed Two occasions. And, with the agreement, the independentistas raise “the freezing of sectoral negotiations with the PSOE” established only a few weeks ago.
Through a statement, Junts explained that the “social decree” includes the revaluation of pensions, the maintenance of bonuses for public transport, the aids related to Dana and “measures to combat criminal occupations.” In this regard, they point out, measures are foreseen “to protect vulnerable families as well as measures to guarantee the collection of rent to the owners and the payment of the damage caused by the squatters or by the delinquent in the houses”.
They are left out of this decree, always according to Junts, “all tax measures (which will be negotiated later), measures regarding aid to electrintenders, measures to soften the accounting impact of the tax on banks, subsidies to companies Without the pertinent previous balance, or the perpetuation of advances for autonomous financing without agreeing to a different redistribution of the deficit objectives and without having opened a serious negotiation on the economic concert of Catalonia ”.
Nor is “the modification of the Law of the Information or Postal Service” that, according to together, “supposed the violation of the competences of Catalonia.
Thus, the text foresees a revaluation of pensions of 2.8%, according to the increase in CPI. In addition, minimal pensions are revalued by 6% and non -contributory and minimum vital income, 9%. The decree includes the extension until the month of July of the bonuses of up to 50% to the regional public transport or the free, medium distance and avant trains for frequent users.
Another of the main points of the decree are the aid to affected by the DANA on October 29: specific funds are contemplated for the repair of infrastructure or housing damaged in the areas of the Valencian Community, Castilla-La Mancha or Andalusia affected by the Dana . Aid also include direct subsidies and loans with interests lower than those of the market.
New measure on housing
In addition, the extension of the “social shield” is contemplated until the end of 2025. The evictions to the most vulnerable families had been prohibited throughout the year, after the pact reached between the Executive and Podemos, and with the text the prohibition of the prohibition of Cut the basic supplies of electricity, gas and water to vulnerable consumers. The discount percentages of the Electric Social Bonus are also updated in its severe vulnerable modality up to 80% in the price of light. The decree expands economic aid to families in vulnerable situations.
At a press conference, Sánchez has announced that in addition to the measures that were already included in the Royal Decree Law that declined last week the new text “includes an additional measure that did not include the previous one in housing.” It is, he said, “the creation of a public system of guarantees and guarantees.”
“A government, any government, can lose a parliamentary vote, but we do not resign ourselves to losing the social majority,” said Sanchez value the negotiation capacity of its executives. “These days have taught us that despite all the difficulties, the progressive coalition government is the government government,” he said, because, according to him, “dialogue, negotiation and agreement are hallmark” of those of those Executives thanks to the “aptitude and attitude” of their ministers. “We do not give any game for lost, we sweat the shirt until the end,” he added, making a football simile.
Source: www.eldiario.es