After many twists and turns, the President would have agreed to stand up a Political Table of the Frente de Todos to determine the “rules of the game” within Peronism. Rules for ordering internal that every week gives away a new chapter.
The definition of the President arrives after the summit that yesterday brought together an important sector of the Buenos Aires ruling party in Merlo, leaving out the sectors closest to it. The The leading role was played by Sergio Massa, Axel Kicillof, De Pedro and Máximo Kirchner, among others. There, together with other figures of massismo, from sectors related to the vice president and the important presence of suburban mayors that respond to the ruling party, there was a strong demand for the setting up of a space to order the candidacies and the electoral fight. Kirchnerism presses to impose the rules of the game on the inmate. Even though Gustavo Menendezwho organized the dinner, repeated that “This meeting is not against anyone, but to help unity”, the reality is that it seems to have left the already weakened Alberto Fernández with few options. However, this Wednesday the President took the opportunity to show himself in Chaco together with Governor Capitanich (first hour Kirchnerist) and this Thursday he will do the same with his Tucuman counterpart, Osvaldo Jaldo.
The meeting was after the statements and cross-references between the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedrofor not having been summoned to the meeting with Lula during his visit to the country. Toulouse Peace, very close to Alberto Fernández, came to rush him: “either you are in or you are out”, and Pedro came out publicly to end the matter. Lula’s visit resulted in support for Alberto’s management, and a snub to Cristina by not setting up a meeting with the vice president.
The development of the internal crisis of the Frente de Todos stops on the disenchantment of an important political base of this space, which has been suffering years of adjustment, now under the orders of Sergio Massa, as an obedient student of the guidelines set forth by the IMF. To this is added the resignation of Cristina to be a candidate in the next elections and the rising tide of “presidential candidates” seeking to fill the empty space.
From Alberto Fernández, who continues to warn that he will not give up competing in a PASO, to Pedro’s “Wado” as a potential competitor for Kirchnerism, through Sergio Massa who warns that it is incompatible to be a candidate and Minister of Economy at the same time, although few believe that these are really his intentions. In the middle, among so much dispersion, others rear their heads, from Scioli to Grabois.. Each attends his game. What is becoming clearer, in words and in deeds, is the content increasingly adjusting and away from the interests of the great majorities of the coalition, where the content of the government is given by the adjustment headed by the previously so repudiated Massa. An adjustment that no one in the coalition chooses to discuss.
The Frente de Todos is going through a crisis that seems more pressing with each attack by the right-wing opposition (court cases, disputes in Congress, etc.) but above all with the proximity of the 2023 elections. However, they are structural elements of the coalition that make the internal one creak: las illusions that awoke in large sectors of the population to “recover what was lost” under the macrismo, long ago they were crushed by the weight of inflation, tariffs, and economic adjustment while they continue to guarantee debt payments to the IMF and benefits to large agricultural employers. To which are added the tensions within a “unity” that goes from the Renovation Front, to Kirchnerism and social and union organizations, all within the Government.
2022 began with a Kirchnerism wanting to distance itself from the course of adjustment, with Máximo Kirchner resigning as president of the bench in the Chamber of Deputies, and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s criticism of former Economy Minister Martín Guzmán, until he resigned. But the year ended with lto vice president supporting the course of the new “super minister” Massa, with silences and signals, avoiding economic criticism of the management, and with the full support of the coalition to vote for the 2023 Budget with the greatest adjustment.
The resignation of Cristina Kirchner to any candidacy in 2023 exposed not only the weakness of the Government due to the consequences of the economic and social crisis, but also that within the Frente de Todos there are no fissures or alternatives in sustaining the plan of looting and dependency imposed by the IMF and the big capitalists on the countryat the cost of increasing hunger and poverty. Only the Unity Left Front, with national deputies such as Nicolás del Caño and Myriam Bregman, and provincial representatives throughout the country, denounces this path of submission, and accompanying the claims of workers, youth, women, in defense of wages, the environment, housing, public health and education, it is proposed to continue fighting in the streets and in the next elections so that the exit is to the left and the great working-class and popular majorities do not continue paying for the crisis.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com