Different sectors of the government are killing each other, but that doesn’t mean that sometimes it seems like they are competing to see who is more troglodyte in their cultural battle and who proposes the worst ideologies.
I’ll tell you three examples.
One. Victoria Villarruel held an event in the Senate where she spoke of the “most important fight of her life.” What is that fight? Fighting for impunity for the genocidaires of the last military dictatorship who killed, disappeared and tortured.
Two. The matter did not end there. The Minister of Justice, Mariano Cúneo Libarona, unleashed a scandal when he said that he and his government reject “the diversity of sexual identities that do not align with biology,” that these things “are subjective inventions.”
Three. They say that hitting a pensioner is not enough. And Milei and Bullrich went too far this week when they repressed a demonstration by pensioners against the presidential veto of what is a small increase for them. Let us remember that the minimum pension is 295 thousand pesos and that more than 5 million pensioners today are poor.
But what is Peronism up to in all this? Some seem very enthusiastic about the agenda that the right is introducing and even declare themselves admirers of Villarruel… or make jokes about the vice president… as José Mayans did in the Senate a few days ago.
Others, like César Milani, who was the Army Chief during Cristina’s government, think that what Villarruel says about condemning the “Montonero criminals” is very good. Or there is Rubinstein, Massa’s former vice-minister, who supports Milei’s veto on retirees.
There are also the more progressive ones, like Juan Grabois, who this week first attacked the right of teachers to strike and then said that it was not very important to discuss the “idiocies” of Villarruel and Cúneo.
The combo, as always, was completed by the CGT, which continues to let everything go. It must be that they are in the “street” of Twitter because in the real street you can’t even see a shadow of them.
At the end of this mess, Cristina Kirchner had to clarify that it was too much to say that Villarruel was close to Peronism. But there are other things in the middle that they don’t tell you, like that they are negotiating with Milei for positions in the Supreme Court or that in the background they are also discussing who will lead Peronism, which is in a great crisis. The truth is that as an opposition to Milei, they are useless.
The way to confront the right is in the streets, as the retirees did this week or as the teachers of Neuquén are doing, who have been on strike for several weeks now. And since everything is very hectic, we always invite you to visit www.laizquierdadiario.com every day to follow all the news of the political crisis and also to find proposals to support these struggles and to fight for another way out of the crisis.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com