These days the big media and pollsters talk about a recovery of the “image” of the Milei government and positive economic data. In addition to “forgetting” about the structural fragility of the economy and an inflationary accumulation that remains high, They hide that part of this data, such as the famous “fiscal balance”, is built on a looting of popular pockets.
A concrete and conclusive data is the loss of wages of workers, public and private. This was calculated by the center for economic studies MATE, Viewpoint of Current Work and Economycomposed of economists.
According to its November report, Each employee in the state lost, on average, almost 3 million pesos in just 10 months in office. If we project it to the year that ends this week, we will be at more than 3.5 million, at least. Although the fall slowed down these months, it never stopped falling (they are frozen) but what was lost was much less recovered.
According to the data, it is 2,991,339 pesos, much higher than what was lost in Macri’s first 10 months, 1,542,722 pesos; already lost in the first months of Alberto and Cristina Fernández, 454,937 pesos. The ranking confirms that there were different degrees of adjustment, but that the norm was to attack living conditions.
Numbers like that can seem cold. But what happens if we say that it means that 21 food baskets were stolen in those 10 months? The INDEC defines the Basic Food Basket as “the normative kilocalorie and protein requirements essential for an adult male between 30 and 60 years old, with moderate activity, to cover those needs for one month (equivalent adult).” I mean They stole something as basic as almost two years’ worth of food. Let’s not even talk about the other expenses, transportation, services. But they took the bread out of their mouths.
Milei was cruel to the state. AND Not only Milei, but also many governors and mayors who face claims from municipal, state, health personnel and teachers. Because everyone moved the adjustment downwards. But private wages also fell. According to the MATE, with official data, in the first ten months those who work for private companies lost 1,011,445 pesos. In this case, Macri beat Milei, because he had made them lose $1,210,163 and Alberto and Cristina Fernández $241,780.
In your cultural battlewhich is also material, this cutout is part of what Milei calls “the fight for fiscal balance”. A story that seeks to justify the cuts to the salaries and medicines of retirees, universities, cafeterias and the working class, to raise funds for the IMF and benefits for businessmen.
This cultural and material battle has other actors. On the one hand, Peronism and its social and union leadership. They have denounced this adjustment with good data, but they have not confronted it even a little bit. They have announced “fascism” but they dialogue with it and even negotiate political reforms. They have talked about resistance but they have dedicated themselves to passivizing the anger below.
The betrayal of CGT (by the ruralist Andrés Rodríguez) is the most compelling example. The recent day of the CTAwho swears that “the country is not for sale” and calls for “unity against hunger, social justice and sovereignty,” is another. Different in shapes but with the same result. More so if we take into account that this theft of 3 million per salary has fallen mainly into the pockets of state workers, teachers and nurses, unions that he directs.
No serious fight to prevent the advancement of Milei’s plan.
The other actor is the left and the combative voters. They have denounced this looting, as they previously faced the adjustment of Macri and that of Fernández-Massa-Fernández. And they have been on the streets since December 20, showing a path of struggle but also a way out so that the crisis is not paid for by the working people. He has been part of this first stage of resistance, along with thousands of fighters. Against the Omnibus Law, the Bases Law, the privatization of Airlines, the teaching strikes, the layoffs in the State and companies, the retiree marches and the student rebellion, when the university conductions missed the last appointment.
Because while many betray, others hold “events” or twist the electoral lists, from the PTS and the Left Front we are building the political force of resistance of the workers, of the youth, against all those who deal with Milei.