If there is someone who holds Javier Milei, it is the union bureaucracy. Together with the sectors of the PRO, of radicalism, of blocks such as Pichetto’s and sectors of Peronism that give votes in the National Congress, he is a key actor.

In the case of the CGT, they are of very long vacations, but not summer, but since they let the Base Law pass, they agreed to the labor reform and made those distracted before the vetoes to the increases to the retirees and the university financing.

However, this time it seemed yes. But not. On the back to the massive mobilizations that are expected to Plaza de Mayo and other parts of the country, the CGT again will not be a call. This Wednesday the Central discussed its presence in Saturday’s mobilization but finally did not achieve the necessary consensus, so there will be no column of the Obrera Central. The unions remained in “freedom of action.”

Regarding another issue, on the same day the CGT received one of the mothers of Plaza de May by memory

Beyond what the CGT does, mass mobilizations against Milei attacks are expected for this Saturday. Let us reveal the streets, that the anger becomes an organization and struggle to defeat this government, its reactionary speeches and the adjustments against the entire working people.

Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com

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