Telegram founder Pavel Durov has commented for the first time since his arrest in France last month. In a post on his public Telegram channel, Durov expressed surprise at the French authorities’ actions and strongly criticized their handling of the matter.
Arrest for lack of cooperation
Durov was arrested on August 24 over allegations that Telegram failed to cooperate sufficiently with law enforcement and adequately moderate criminal content on the platform, including child sexual abuse, drug trafficking, fraud and terrorism.
The founder, who is a French citizen, said that authorities could have easily gotten in touch with him without arresting him, and found it remarkable that they chose to go after him personally rather than investigating Telegram as a company.
Criticism of outdated legislation
Durov said that using outdated laws to hold a CEO personally responsible for the actions of third parties on a platform is inappropriate. “If a country is unhappy with an internet service, a criminal investigation should be launched against the service itself, not against individuals,” Durov said.
Sticking to Telegram’s principles
Despite the incident, Durov stressed that his determination to protect Telegram’s mission of freedom of speech remains undiminished, even stating that Telegram is prepared to withdraw from markets that are not in line with the company’s principles.
“We are not doing this for the money, but out of the intention to do good and defend fundamental rights,” he stated.
International criticism and progress of the case
The arrest sparked international criticism of French authorities. While President Macron has said France is committed to freedom of expression, the ruling has sparked further backlash from Durov’s supporters and prominent figures in the tech industry.
The investigation in France is still ongoing and it remains to be seen what further steps Durov and Telegram will take. We will continue to monitor developments closely.
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Source: https://newsbit.nl/telegram-oprichter-pavel-durov-doorbreekt-stilte-na-arrestatie/