
Our team is made up of experienced and talented professionals who work hard to provide our readers with accurate, unbiased and relevant news and information.

General manager

Caion Alves

A writer for over 16 years, he has worked on over 15 media portals in different languages. Focused on foreign relations and geopolitics, he has experience in several areas of information technology.

Editors and journalists

Junia Verb

Journalist graduated from UNIP, he worked in editorial teams of Portuguese, French, Spanish and English newspapers. His work has already been rewarded for an article on the Panama Papers.

Paul Nero

Journalist passionate about telling stories. He believes in the power of information to transform the world and is dedicated to producing relevant, quality content for the public. He has worked on television and radio news programs.

Mary Goy

Journalist specializing in international affairs. She was a writer for 6 years, graduated in social communication and journalism from the University of São Paulo.