This Wednesday the National Congress will be the scene of a new round against the Milei adjustment plan. With a session called from 11 in the morning, deputies will meet to discuss the presidential veto of the University Financing Law. At this time, the scenario is rather tight and the government negotiates vote by vote, as it already did in the vote on the Bases Law and in the veto of retirement mobility, shamelessly distributing positions and privileges in exchange for buying political support .

Outside, a new mobilization will take shape early on with the aim of defeating the undemocratic presidential challenge. A veto that has generated enormous rejection in various sectors of society, who see this measure as a direct attack on public education, teacher salaries and the rights of students. The massive mobilization on October 2 made this clear, bringing together hundreds of thousands of people in the streets throughout the country and with enormous gatherings in the City of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Tucumán and Salta, among others.

Despite the massiveness seen last Wednesday, the Government decided to move forward with its policy and ratify the veto. A measure that the only thing it did was continue to aggravate the anger and contribute to the student movement beginning to stand up, as is beginning to be seen in these last few hours.

Students begin to rise up against Milei’s veto

The intransigence of the Government is managing to awaken an actor that until now was asleep, such as the student movement. In these last 48 hours, different faculties hold assemblies where their students debate democratically, vote on public classes, takeovers and vigils against the veto and discuss how to mobilize.

What began this Monday with the decision of Philosophy and Psychology of the UBA, the National University of Arts and university colleges such as the Nacional Buenos Aires and the Carlos Pellegrini, escalated this Tuesday, multiplying to other parts of the country.

During these hours, the Faculty of Humanities and Art of Rosario, the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Córdoba, the rectorate of the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of Jujuy, the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA and the School of Science and Technology of the University of San Martín. There is also a stay in the rectorate of the University of La Plata, while other faculties are currently debating in assemblies how to join the event on Wednesday.

Actions promoted independently, without trusting university authorities or student leaders aligned with the government. Actions that show that the anger is beginning to grow and that may begin to mark a new moment in the fight against the Government’s adjustment plan, which, stubborn in its dogma, contributes to shaking the passivity that until now the different bureaucracies have managed to impose, both student as unions, who avoided the call for this Wednesday and will be absent again.

We must unite the struggles that grow from below

Until now, the CGT and CTA leaderships have been collaborating to maintain social peace and order among their constituents despite the Government’s attacks. In some cases, in an openly traitorous role such as that played by Daer and the sector known as the “fats” of the CGT, which even accepts invitations to the Casa Rosada to write the fine print of the labor reform that they intend to impose. . In others, with opposition speeches but refusing to call for actions at the level of the different attacks that exist, as is the case of the sector headed by Pablo Moyano or those who are in charge of the CTA.

Despite this attitude, which ends up collaborating either actively or by omission with the Government’s plans, in the last week the struggle of health workers began to change the pulse of things and show that there is another alternative for those who want confront the plans of Milei and the IMF.

The announcement of the closure of the Laura Bonaparte Hospital aroused important organization and solidarity from the entire community around it, which ended up imposing a setback in the ruling party’s decision. The forceful actions, the enormous social support and the democratic organization and in assemblies of affiliated and non-affiliated workers were the keys to defining the steps to follow in a fight that surely did not end, but that has just obtained a first victory.

The important mobilization of the Garrahan, within the framework of a 48-hour strike, and the confluence with those fighting for the defense of the Bonaparte Hospital ended today in a great demonstration in front of the doors of the Casa Rosada with a forceful message: “We are defending health and education.”

Incipient symptoms that something seems to be beginning to change and that leave two important lessons. On the one hand, they show that it is possible to stop the Government’s hand if there is the decision and political will to fight by betting on the grassroots organization and seeking to surround conflicts with solidarity, together with the community. On the other hand, it is more urgent than ever to move forward in uniting all the struggles that exist against the Government’s adjustment and that the union leaderships consciously seek to divide.

Until now, the confidence in the thread and the negotiations that the union and student leaderships have placed, as well as the different leaders of radicalism and Peronism, have only served to give Milei time and strength.

The triumph of the Bonaparte Hospital, the Garrahan struggle and the awakening that is beginning to be seen in the student movement mark a path that must be multiplied. A path that teaches that we must deepen the organization and coordination between different sectors as the only guarantee to offer a response at the level of the attacks of the Government and its accomplices, which can impose on the bureaucracies an active general strike and the continuity of a fight plan until defeating Milei’s entire plan.


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