The tire employers decided to carry out a common attack. In addition to the 97 dismissed workers at Fate, there are also total suspensions at Bridgestone, an illegal lockout against the workers. At the same time, the company announced that it had also presented a Preventive Crisis Procedure where it threatens to dismiss 452 workers and a plan for absolute flexibility.
The same as in the case of Fate, these are totally bogus Preventive Crisis Procedures (PPC). These are companies that have made fortunes in recent years, huge monopolies that want to hit workers. In the Preventive Procedures they propose more massive layoffs. Madanes wants to go for 280 more layoffs and a plan for total labor flexibility. The government opened the Preventive Procedure to Madanes despite all the irregularities and they have Bridgestone’s request in their hands. These Procedures are tools that Menem and Cavallo created in the 90s to favor businessmen to fire and destroy the achievements of the Agreements. Today they are used by many companies with the government’s endorsement, against workers, a “fashion” of businessmen in the Milei era.
At the same time, at Fate, the company is calling workers to blackmail them by saying that if they do not settle the matter now with 100% compensation, they will receive 50% when the PPC is approved. A totally illegal measure.
The Granate list proposes the immediate convening of Assemblies in turn at Fate to vote on mobilizations and to maintain the organization at Bridgestone to actively confront the lockout. At the same time, we propose the need for a common struggle by the entire union as a matter of urgency. The situation is extremely serious. There is no time to lose, we must unite the union, put it on its feet and reject in total unity these attacks that seek to return to the most complete employer dictatorship and qualitatively strike the union organization.
It’s time to Call on solidarity organizations to support the ongoing struggle, coordinate with all the attacked sectors that suffer layoffs like Posadas and demand that the CGT and the CTA respond to these attacks and the layoffs that are taking place throughout the country.Hundreds of jobs and the union organisation won through years of struggle are at stake.
A plan of struggle for the whole of SUTNA is needed. Down with the fake preventive measures of Fate and Bridgestone! Reinstatement of all those dismissed!
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com