This Friday morning, a new day of protest was held at the Posadas Hospital against layoffs, for salary for residents and in defense of public health. As they had previously voted in the assembly, they set up a medical tent to make their conflict known and to talk with neighbors and patients, who are harmed by increasingly poor care.

“The dismissal of various professionals from critical areas has affected the treatment of complex diseases, has led to the suspension of shifts or their rescheduling with longer waiting times, and has affected the on-call staff. Added to this is the lack of delivery of medicines and the fact that there is an increasing demand, in the midst of a harsh winter, where respiratory illnesses are increasing, among other pathologies, with which people come to the hospital from all over the country for treatment. Each professional and worker in their area is essential, as we have demonstrated in the pandemic, and even more so now where the social crisis, unemployment, and poverty are deepening.

Even by laying off so many professionals, the resident sector loses its trainers, more work falls on them, in very precarious conditions and with very low salaries, harming the quality of care, for which the Hospital Management and the Government are responsible. That is why the recent workers at the Posadas Hospital, together with all the national hospitals, are carrying out, in turn, a 48-hour strike,” explained Luis Sucher, one of the dismissed workers.

Social, trade union and political organizations also participated in the protest organized by Cicop Hospital Posadas, together with the dismissed workers and hospital workers. Residents also led the second day of the strike for salary improvements and then participated in the mobilization in the City of Buenos Aires together with other national hospitals.

The popular support they have is very important since they have managed to make visible the attack carried out by the Government along with its serious consequences for the population, and this is what most worries the authorities. The Federation of Health Professionals of the Argentine Republic publicly denounced that the management of the Hospital “blackmails” the workers by saying that “those who appeared in the media complaining about the dismissals would not be reinstated.”

In the absence of responses to the claim for reinstatement of those dismissed, the assembly, convened by Cicop Hospital Posadas, resolved:

  • The next Wednesday 17/7 carry out a work stoppage for 2 hours. At 11 am they will hold a new round in the vicinity of the Hospital, then a press conference and later an open solidarity meeting..
  • Take to Congress of Cicop delegates (which will be on Saturday the 13th) the proposal to carry out a day of struggle and mobilization for the health and reinstatement of those dismissed
  • Form a Workers’ commission for the dissemination and visibility of the conflict within the Hospital
  • Support residents in their demandsunifying and coordinating with them the steps to follow.
  • Continue with the media awareness campaign.


    At the provincial congress of Cicop delegates:

    Luis Sucher, dismissed, recounts the resolutions of the assembly:

    Testimonies from Posadas Hospital residents:

    Sign the petition: join the campaign in defense of public health and work at Posadas Hospital

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