Present in each mobilization against Congress, today it was no exception for the health and care post. Health workers and students – nurses, psychologists, among others – who voluntarily and militant organize first aid assistance in various repressions, accompanied the retirees who protested in front of Congress this afternoon, where they were again repressed by the Patricia Bullrich and Javier Milei police.

The repression with blows, palates, tear gas left injured that health workers attended at the time. Franco Capone, doctor and promoter of the Health and Care Post, interviewed by C5N live from the place was able The face and eyes prevented from opening them for an hour, and a woman who lost knowledge and had first aid for these workers and health students, who carry their own instruments or They pay their pocket to give assistance.

The most serious moment was seen live when, from the journalists themselves and people themselves explained how the police prevented giving attention to the woman who decompensated in the sidewalk. The deputies present of the Left Front had to intervene, such as Myriam Bregman, to ensure that the operation allowed access to the ambulance that only after approximately one hour managed to transfer it. Meanwhile, the only assistance in the place was borne by the solidarity of doctors and nurses who accompany the fight of retirees. Against the brutality of repression, support and unity grows from below, and that despite the huge operation, the demonstration was carried out and charged more strength every week.

The day on Wednesday summoned not only retirees and retirees, as every week, but all sectors in struggle, among which are workers of the Bonaparte Hospital, Posadas Hospital facing the dismissals, or against the emptying of the claw. That is why Laura Cano was also present, accompanying the round of the retirees, as legislator of the PTS in the left front but also as a medical and health worker, together with workers fired from public hospitals.

Retirees and public health, two very sensitive sectors where Milei downloads the adjustment with more ferocity. In the streets, in front of Congress, they show the unity and exemplary solidarity to multiply in each place, with each demand, and from below, to achieve the urgent increase to the retirees, and the reinstatement of all the dismissed, for Turn the arm to the government of Milei.


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