This Wednesday, in the midst of a chaotic day for the Government, after the march of retirees that showed a great will to resistance of thousands of people, the chief of Cabinet Guillermo Francos said very nervous that “In recent days there were a number of political movements that aim to destabilize the government “. In turn, the official deputy Lilia Lemoine said that “the same ones who made the coup to devalue in 2001 want the blow now.”
Something had gone wrong: For days they tried to discredit the great mobilization that was brewing in support of retirees who mobilize every Wednesday, but they did not succeed. It must be said clearly: they had the support of much of the media that flooded the TV screens and the newspapers to try to install that it was a move of brave bar, wanting to hide the truth. Of the supposed fight between the government and Clarín, or news. This Wednesday we live a true coordinated news day and “war journalism” to try to distort reality: That thousands of people – who have the sympathy of millions – wanted to express their solidarity with the main victims of Milei’s tax adjustment, retirees, repudiating government policy for the elderly, which is nothing other than hunger and repression every Wednesday. It is a government that is mimous kitten of the great economic power and becomes the hard with retirees.
But he found a great novelty: beaten in his political credibility after cryptofa, and accumulating sectors that feel more and more hate towards their policies of adjustment, repression and discrimination, the government ran into a jump in the will of struggle of thousands of people willing to resist the brutal and indiscriminate repression of Patricia Bullrich. During working hours, young people, retired, football club fans and students endured throughout the Buenos Aires center, reorganizing again and again in different streets and corners of the city. At night there were also cacerolazos. When closing this note there were more than 150 detainees and dozens of injured, some very serious such as the journalist Pablo Grillo. The left – as every Wednesday always – was on the streets next to them. The CGT bureaucracy just issued communications from its armchairs.
Earlier, The government had also had a parliamentary defeat: The ruling could not prevent the site of commissions from being vote so that the crypto scam is investigated. “What do they have to hide with the pound scam, who do not want to investigate?” Nicolás del Caño questioned them. The legislative day ended in turn with a huge role of the ruling party, which violated three deputies who were giving quorum and He raised the session in the middle of a scandalto prevent progress in issues such as retirement moratorium, elimination of the delegated powers and ratification of the authorities of the Political Judgment Commission.
Even more: In the morning Javier Milei had surprisingly traveled to Bahía Blanca and was repudiated by inhabitants of the city devastated by floods. It does not seem accidental: another of the great victims of adjustment is the public works, of the national government, of the provincial and municipal. A city that suffered a very hard blow to which what grows is the solidarity of those below, organizing donations and coordinating help. This fact is not isolated either: only a few days ago, hundreds of thousands of users come from blackouts, due to the lousy and disinversion of the privatized, with the complicity of one government after another. The anger only grows at the structural problems of capitalist Argentina.
If the government wanted to bring peace of mind to the “markets,” it clearly failed. It is worth remembering that this week, in the midst of a “front wind” of the world economy that suffers from a fierce instability to Donald Trump’s policies, and in the context of a central bank that in Argentina runs out of reservations, the ruling party swallowed his words and decided to send a DNU in a hurry to authorize himself to make a new agreement with the IMF. Neither amounts, nor deadlines, nor conditionalities are known. Only La Libertad advances It acts for trouble and improvisedly so that its main electoral policy does not fall, which is to intervene over the dollar so as not to devalue before October. If that happened, inflation would regulate and the government would lower its electoral chances. One thing is safe: the debt and submission of the country are deepened, while a new party escape party is enabled. Luis Caputo knows what he does, he already did with Mauricio Macri. The working people also know how all the agreements with the IMF end. You have to organize in the streets to prevent it.
The government also comes from strong institutional problems. Given his weakness in the National Congress, in the past days he appointed by Decree Judges in the Supreme Court, and now faces an uncertain panorama for the ratification of Ariel Lijo and García Mansilla in the Senate.
At this point, For the Government of Javier Milei the main danger is that economic crises and politics be feed: The ruling party comes from its main political defeat with cryptophaf, doubts accumulate about the economic plan and come from great mobilizations such as February 1 with sexual diversity to the front, those of March 8 and this Wednesday with thousands supporting retirees.
A growth of its political weakness could eventually sharpen the economic crisis and worsen the scenario for the ruling party. A perspective of electoral defeat for the Government -if that was the scenario, for which much is still very lacking -or of loss of “governance”, would only increase doubts about the government’s perspectives.
But it is not about analyzing government problems, but about taking advantage of its greatest contradictions to propose to defeat Milei, IMF and great employers with the fight in the streets. The biggest gaps and doubts among those above are an opportunity for those below. This government is not going: against the policies of its accomplices that vote laws in Congress, the union bureaucracies that forgive their weakness and those who only speculate with replacing it in 2027 after it has applied all its plans, the left states that today more than ever you have to redouble the mobilization, supporting all the fights, redoubled the support for the retirees and imposing the path of the general strike. of exit to the favorable crisis to the great majorities.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com