Elisa Carrionfounder and leader of the civic coalitionconfirmed this Wednesday by Radio Miter that will be presented at this year’s PASO as presidential candidate on the lists of the right-wing opposition coalition Together for Change.
“I am a candidate to guarantee unity, I do not intend to win, I intend that there is no debate to the death in Together for Change”he said in an interview with Jorge Lanata on the radio of Clarin Group. It is worth remembering that in 2019 Carrió herself had announced that she was going to retire from party politics. True to her style, the benchmark of the CC has no qualms about say one thing and then say the opposite. Like when he said that he would never ally with Mauricio Macri and years later he set up Cambiemos with him, thus making it possible for the businessman to become president of Argentina.
In November of last year, when the cambiemita inmate was already setting the pace for that boss opposition space, Carrió had announced that she would be a candidate for president “if there are no fundamental agreements on conduct, decency, honesty, and transparent financing” and JxC.
This Wednesday he confirmed to Lanata that he will appear at the PASO. She in turn recognized Gerardo Morales as the UCR candidate while in the PRO they still have to decide who will be the candidate. About Macri, Bullrich y Rodriguez Larreta, said that if they want to apply “there is no problem” and even opened the possibility that there are “interchangeable formulas”, with candidates from two different forces sharing a formula. “You have to open the game” to give society a “democratic opportunity”, she declared.
“The important thing is that we have unity in national legislators of the entire coalition, in provincial legislators and that in any case the internal ones are made with a greater electoral offer in the PASO”expressed Carrió, taking for granted that the lack of “unity” in the right-wing opposition front is one of the threats that currently worries its referents the most.
In this context, he clarified that his campaign will start after May, since “The wear and tear that JxC has had is from advancing candidacies”. Interestingly, she says it herself as she advances her own. Unpresentable.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com