Every time new employment data is released, it is good news for the coalition government. The data from the Active Population Survey (EPA), published this Friday, consolidates the employment data at over 21 million working people. The last quarter, from April to June, was a record 21.68 million. Never before have there been so many people working in this country, while the unemployment rate has fallen again, to 11.27%, the lowest figure since 2008, the year before the start of the great recession that devastated the economy.

Specifically, the labour market ceiling, which is rising practically month by month and quarter by quarter, has risen by 2% and stands at 21,684,700 people, after adding 434,000 more employees compared to the first quarter of the year, which in 2024 fell during Easter, a particularly good time for employment, as is the case with summer. If the data is compared with the same period of the previous year, the increase in working people is 426,300 employees.

“The labour market in the second quarter of 2024 has performed historically, reaching maximum levels of employment, active population and workers in the private sector,” the Ministry of Economy celebrates. Specifically, the number of people willing to work increased to 24,440,000, “the highest figure in the historical series,” says the department headed by Carlos Cuerpo, which attributes this to “the confidence of workers in the dynamism of the labour market.” “Employment continues to be the main driver of the Spanish economy,” the minister said.

“Above the noise from the right and the far right, Spain is moving forward, breaking employment records,” said the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, through a message on his X account, in which he pointed out that the country is “going in the right direction.” “We continue working to ensure that this is the legislature of full employment,” he promised.

Unemployment falls by 222,600 people

Following an increase in the unemployment rate in the first quarter of the year, the number of unemployed fell again from April to June. With a fall of 222,600 people, it stands at 11.27%, one point less than the EPA published in April. This is the lowest figure since 2008, when there was 10.36%. Since 1980, Spain has only been below 10% of unemployed in the period between the second quarter of 2005 and the first quarter of 2008.

“We have reduced the unemployment rate, which is very high and there is still a lot to do, but active employment policies are working,” claimed the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labour, Yolanda Díaz. For example, this quarter, 10 autonomous communities have recorded rates below 10%. They are Aragón (8.25%), Balears (7.95%), Cantabria (8.46%), Castilla y León (9.81%), Catalonia (9.41%), Galicia (9.54%), Madrid (8.48%), Navarra (7.42%), Euskadi (8.11%) and La Rioja (9.14%).

Beyond the cold figures, in Spain there are still 868,300 households with all their members unemployed. Compared to a year ago, almost 110,000 families have managed to get out of this situation of great precariousness. On the other side of the scale, households with all their members employed increased by 220,800, over 11.7 million. “The improvement in the labour market is effectively contributing to improving the economy of many families, boosting our economic growth. The improvement in the macro is also seen in the micro,” said Cuerpo.

Record of permanent contracts

Employment is gaining in quantity, but also in quality. Or, at least, in stability. Never before in Spain have there been so many workers with a permanent contract. From April to June there were 15.5 million people, according to the EPA, with an increase of 272,000 workers. “What was a curse in Spain, temporary employment, thanks to the labour reform, today we can say that we are European,” said Díaz, referring to a rate that stands at 12.9%.

As for temporary contracts, these are close to 3 million, 6.6% less than a year ago. In addition, full-time employment increased by 433,500 people, according to the Ministry of Labour. And, with regard to the usual criticism of the Popular Party, which calls for a review of the hours worked, this indicator is also up: 5.6%. In fact, according to data from the Ministry of Social Security, these are 10% higher than before the pandemic.

The second quarter is, in general, good for employment. Although this year it has been hampered by Easter falling in March, the good weather, the start of the holidays and the reinforcement in sectors such as hospitality and tourism usually boost hiring. In fact, from April to May, the private sector created more than 98% of new jobs, exceeding 18.12 million employees for the first time.

Employment in these months has risen in all sectors. The increase in services predominates, with 207,900 more employed; while industry added 148,200; and construction, 74,600.

Source: www.eldiario.es

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