The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputoannounced this week that It will fully reduce or eliminate the aliquot of high -end cars taxthat they had been paying the “Luxury Tax”. The measure will govern from next week and will not reach cheaper models in the market that do not pay this tax.
Specifically, an aliquot of 20% that paid cars at prices between $ 41 and 75 million will be eliminated, and the aliquot for cars from more than 75 million, from 35% to 18%. Likewise, the measure would include a zero reduction to tariffs for the importation of electric and hybrid cars of less than US $ 16,000.
“We continue to lower taxes,” said the minister in his social network. But The measures always favor the same group of rich and concentrated sectorswhile the bulk of the population not only increases taxes (salary tax) or maintains the load of most regressive taxes such as VAT, but also relates the weight of the adjustment with tariffs, cuts of the purchasing power of wages , retirement, layoffs, cuts of key areas for health care for millions of people, education, housing, among others.
From this Monday the reduction of retentions to exports of grains and oilseeds and the elimination of export rights for regional economies products such as tobacco, sugar, cotton, wine, industrial forest and rice began to be governed. The measure lasts until June 30 and seeks the entry of currencies that allows the government to “reach” the elections avoiding exchange shocks and to face the strong expiration of debt to foreign bonds in July.
The fiscal cost of the temporary reduction of retentions is estimated at a sum of about US $ 800 million, equivalent to granting a $ 170,000 bonus for the almost 5 million retirees and pensioners that charge the minimum being.
As a counterpart, and to continue feeding the report of the severe “fiscal adjustment” and state reform to sustain the “surplus“(only real anchor of the miley-capital scheme), announced new waves in public administration and decentralized organisms and the continuity of the salary cut with lean offers that destroy the purchasing power of the state. In addition to meaning a new attack on thousands of families, in no way the reduction of the state plant would represent a budgetary “savings” similar to the enormous tax benefit granted to agrarian employers.
The Government seeks to present that the economic situation is improving, wages recover while inflation down. But working families feel the weight of the crisis and a reality where it is very difficult to reach the end of the month. On average, In the last year, salaries lost 15% purchasing power compared to the average of 2023. And in the case of Public Sectorreal loss against inflation was 22% In the last year. These salary discounts have represented another of the expulsive mechanisms of public employment because salaries were so delayed that they do not allow in many cases to cover a quarter of the basic basket, added to the thousands of layoffs and the destros to workers who provide services in State dependencies.
“Expenditure” cuts are stated as “efficiency” measures, hiding the impact on thousands of families that are beneficiaries of such public services. As the dismissals of health personnel, the hospital, schools and housing infrastructure cut, precisely at times where the crisis increases health care demands. As for example, in the case of layoffs at the Laura Bonaparte mental health hospital, making care of patients, the entry of new ones and the continuity of treatments and services.
Or, in the same way, the cuts in education that continue to check the Public University and that have meant a brutal adjustment on national university teaching. It was resisted by the entire university community in the streets, by the student movement with shots and fighting measures, and society in general, in a clear repudiation of the attack on historical conquests of the working class such as public, secular and secular education free.
In addition, Retirees and retirees They resist as every Wednesday the adjustment of Milei. Facing police repression and Bullrich protocol, do not stop claiming for retirement misery levels. The Minimum retirement will be in February of $ 273,087that even with the bonus that the Government froze at $ 70,000, it will reach just $ 343,087, far from the senior citizen, valued in more than one million pesos ($ 912,584 in October 2024), according to the Ombudsman for the elderly.
The unity and coordination of all the struggles and all the demands of the working people are necessary, rejecting the speeches of hate, discrimination and the attack on democratic rights, as this will be expressed very strong Saturday 01/02 in the streets throughout the country. Building from below the resistance and the requirement to the CGT and the CTA, which have been complicit in the brutal adjustment of the national government, a national strike and a struggle plan to throw down the adjustment of the government and the IMF.
Source: www.laizquierdadiario.com